November 13, 2024, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung Freiburg, 8pm
ensemble profectio initiative freiburg
Natasha Sallés (soprano),
Svea Schildknecht (soprano),
Frank Michael (flute / alto flute / bass flute),
Andrea Nagy (clarinet / bass clarinet / doublebass clarinett),
Dorothea Gädeke (recitation),
Ullo von Peinen (recitation),
Sven Thomas Kiebler (conductor),
Wolfgang Motz, Mia Schmidt, Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics & sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
November 7, 2024, Stadtbibliothek Freiburg, 8 pm
"Acousmatic Compositions"
"a concert of the IFK"
Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponistinnen und Komponisten e.V.
June 30th to July 27th, 2024, Galerie K1 Freiburg, Exhibition
"Roland Breitenfeld - GRAPHIC MUSIC NOTATIONS"
Ulrich Rausch (baritone),
Ortrun Kestel (flute alto)
opening hours:
Tue 10 - 12 am, Fr 4 - 6 pm 30 + Sa 11 am - 2 pm
free entree
Galerie K1 Freiburg
Kappler Str. 1, 79117 Freiburg
end of tram line 1
Lassbergstrasse / Littenweiler
November 9, 2023, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung Freiburg, 8pm
"9. November - Zeitenwenden?"
"a concert of the IFK"
Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponistinnen und Komponisten e.V.
Ullo von Peinen (speaking voice and recitations),
Joachim Linckelmann (flute),
Veda Lin (oboe),
Aristides Porto (clarinet),
Marc Noetzel (horn),
Annette Winker (bassoon),
October 12, 2023, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung Freiburg, 8 pm
ensemble profectio initiative freiburg
Ullo von Peinen (speaking voice and poems readings),
Svea Schildknecht (soprano), Viola de Galgóczy (alto),
Tiago Oliveira (tenor), Georg Gädker (bass)
Frank Michael (flute / alto flute),
Clara Dietze (cello),
Geumhwa Kang (piano),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics & sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
(music-graphic: Roland Breitenfeld "Einladung zu einer Tasse Jasmintee" - score, cop. by R. Breitenfeld)
September 29, 2023, Stadtbibliothek Freiburg, 5pm
"IFK e.V. - Gespräche zur Neuen Musik"
A lector about newest compositions after poems by Reiner Kunze from Freiburg and Korean composers
- its also a introductory lector for the "profectio"-concert at October 12, 2023, in the Elisabeth-Schneider-Foundation Freiburg.
(The titel is taken from his poem "megametropolenbuchhandlung".)
(Photo: Reiner Kunze and Roland Breitenfeld; cop. by R. Breitenfeld)
July 3 2023, Cargo Studio Freiburg, 8pm
"IFMS Start Konzert"
other works with the performers:
Annette Winker, bassoon
Georg Gädker, baritone
Harald Kimmig, violin
Lee Ferguson, percussion
July 1, 2023, hr2, 23 Uhr
"Artist Corner"
May 7, 2023, Humboldtsaal, Freiburg, 6pm
"...doch welches Lied für unsre Zeit?"
Katharina Persicke, soprano
Georg Gädker, bariton
Hansjacob Staemmler, piano
March 23, 2023, CD Soundscape-Komposition
"Aktuelle Positionen"
October 23, 2022, Bürgerhaus Seepark, Freiburg, 5pm and 8pm
Zentaur Quartett
Svea Schildknecht, soprano
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld, music-informatics, live-electronics and sound design
September 09, 2022, Waldsee, Freiburg, 7pm and 9pm, open air
September 11, 2022, Waldsee, Freiburg, 11am, 1pm and 3pm, open air
Volker Rausenberger, accordion
Ensemble Aventure, Ensemble Recherche
John Sheppard Ensemble, Les Saxofous
(see too Volker Rausenberger in Merdingen 2018:)
on YouTube click here
May 24, 2022, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
Ensemble Aventure:
Andrea Nagy (clarinets), Wolfgang Rüdiger (bassoon), Delphine Gauthier-Guiche (horn),
Nicholas Reed (percussion), Ellen Fallowfield (cello), Wolfgang Güttler (double bass)
Ensemble Earquake:
Fiona Paulini (flutes), Udo Grimm (clarinet), Anna Teigelack (violin), Lotte Grotholt (viola)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronics and sound design)
April 6, 2022, E-Werk Freiburg, big hall, 8pm
ensemble profectio initiative freiburg
Ullo von Peinen (voice),
Frank Michael (flute),
Alexander Ott (oboe, oboe d'amore, cor anglais),
Walter Ifrim (clarinet),
Alfonso Gomez (piano),
Hiromi Ishii, Wilfried Jentzsch, Mesias Maiguashca, Carlos Poete (sound- and video-design),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics & sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
February 26, 2022, Theater Freiburg, 7:30 pm
Philharmonisches Orchester Freiburg
Conductor: Gerhard Markson
January 16, 2022, Hohner-Konservatorium, Trossingen + YouTube Live-Stream
Volker Rausenberger, accordion
(see too Volker Rausenberger in Merdingen 2018:)
on YouTube click here
November 29, 2021, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg, 8pm
Bremer Schlagzeugquartett
Hsin Lee, Moritz Koch, Lukas Kuhn, Olaf Tzschoppe
Director: Olaf Tzschoppe
November 10, 2021, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg, 8pm
Dorothea Gädeke, speaking voice
Ullo von Peinen, speaking voice
Frank Michael, flutes
Katharina Schmauder, violin
Franco Coali, accordion
October 30, 2021, Karlsruhe, ZKM, Klangdom im Kubus, 8pm
Performers in "HM98":
Annika Spegg (violin)
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (music informatics, live-electronics and sound design)
October 5 and 8, 2021, Lund University Malmö, Sweden
Bremer Schlagzeugensemble
Hsin Lee, Moritz Koch, Lukas Kuhn, Olaf Tzschoppe
Director: Olaf Tzschoppe
September 30, 2021, theater wrede, Oldenburg, 8pm
Bremer Schlagzeugquartett
Hsin Lee, Moritz Koch, Lukas Kuhn, Olaf Tzschoppe
Director: Olaf Tzschoppe
August 16, 2021, Alter Messplatz, Freiburg, 3pm, open air
Ute Knoedgen (voice),
Ullo von Peinen (voice),
Cécile Solin (soprano - on tape),
Matthias Stich (saxophones),
Birke Falkenroth (harp),
Lee Forrest Ferguson (percussion),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (music informatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
August 15, 2021, Alter Messplatz, Freiburg, 5pm, open air
Svea Schildknecht (soprano, perc.),
Frank Michael (bass flute)
May 29, 2021, E-Werk Freiburg, großer Saal, 8pm
- WITHOUT AN AUDIENCE: StreamerconcertJune 8, 2021, Museum Tinguely, Paul-Sacher-Anlage 2, Basel (Switzerland) 7pm
- WITH AN AUDIENCE: Tickets online: leitung@holst-sinfonietta.deApril 17, 2021, E-Werk Freiburg, 8 pm
Rei Nakamura (piano),
Pascal Pons (percussion),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (musicinformatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
*) realisation in the Experimentalstudio of the SWR Freiburg, 1998
**) sounding sculptures by Ernst Thomann
March 5, 2021, Evangelische Kirchgemeinde March-Buchheim,
infreiburgzuhause click here
Ena Han (Traditionally Korean drum dancing),
Svea Schildknecht (soprano),
Michael Kiedaisch (percussion),
Andrew Digby (trombone),
Katharina Schmauder (violin),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (musicinformatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
Foto Ena Han: Jindo Bockchun
March 1, 2021, 11:03 pm, SWR2 (Germany, Southwest Broadcaststation, 2nd program)
January 20, 2021, E-Werk Freiburg, big hall, 8 pm
The concert will be STREAMED LIVE - because pandemic of corona
infreiburgzuhause click here
Sophia Keller (soprano)
Carlos Poete, Dana Fabini, Camila Baderleh (video projection)
Mehrat Sherkat Naderi, Thomas Wenk (live video projection)
Sound design: the composers
Music informatics, live-electronics: Roland Breitenfeld
December 9, 2020, Lund University Malmö, Sweden
Bremer Schlagzeugensemble
Hsin Lee, Moritz Koch, Lukas Kuhn, Olaf Tzschoppe
Director: Olaf Tzschoppe
November 26 and 27, 2020, E-Werk Freiburg, 8 pm
November 26, 5 pm: open rehearsal for students
November 27, 7 pm: concert lecture
Rei Nakamura (piano),
Pascal Pons (percussion),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (musicinformatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
*) realisation in the Experimentalstudio of the SWR Freiburg, 1998
**) sounding sculptures by Ernst Thomann
November 20, 2020, E-Werk Freiburg
Mariella Bachmann (clarinet),
Lee Ferguson (percussion),
Hans Fuhlbom (pinao),
Cornelius Bauer (violin),
Philipp Schiemanz (cello)
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (musicinformatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Klaus Simon
November 13, 2020, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
Traditionally Korean drum dances: Ena Han
Svea Schildknecht (soprano),
Michael Kiedaisch (percussion),
Andrew Digby (trombone),
Friedemann Treiber (violin)
Marzena Treiber (viola)
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (musicinformatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
Foto Ena Han: Jindo Bockchun
November 5, 2020, Stadtbibliothek Freiburg am Münsterplatz
ensemble profectio initiative freiburg
Ullo von Peinen, recitation
Director: Wolfgang Motz
March 21, 2020, E-Werk Freiburg, big hall
Sophia Keller (soprano)
Carlos Poete, Dana Fabini, Camila Baderleh (video projection)
Mehrat Sherkat Naderi, Thomas Wenk (live video projection)
Sound design: the composers
Music informatics, live-electronics: Roland Breitenfeld
January 31, 2020, St. Nicolai-Kirche, Eckernförde
Ensemble Reflexion K
Katja Kanowski (mezzo-soprano),
Ingeborg Losch (speaker),
Beatrix Wagner (piccolo, flute, bassflute),
Joachim Striepens (clarinet, bassclarinet, double bassclarinet),
Gerald Eckert (cello),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (music informatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Recording of the concert on SoundCloud:
"Die Sternenreuse"
on SoundCloud click here
"Moments of Light"
on SoundCloud click here
November 28, 2019, Stadtbibliothek Freiburg, Münsterplatz 17, 8 pm
December 9, 2019, Musikschule Offenburg, Weingartenstrasse 34b, 7 pm
January 19, 2020, Altes Rathaus Emmendingen, Marktplatz 1, 5 pm
6 Horns:
Anna-Lena Spinner, Felix Ferric, Laura Jenet,
Johann Schröder, Lukas Greminger, Madeleine Zöller
(rehearsals: Heiko Mazurek)
November, 17, 2019, Offenburg, Salmen, 11am
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano),
Julian Belli (perc.),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design)
*) from the cycle by Roland Breitenfeld "Von Stimmen umwittert... - song cycle after poems by Peter Huchel"
October 10, 2019, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg, 8pm
Volker Rausenberger (accordion),
Carlos Poete (video-projection),
Mesias Maiguashca (sound design),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design)
director: Roland Breitenfeld
June, 22 and 23, 2019, E-Werk Freiburg, Big Hall
June 25, 2019, Museum Tinguely, Paul-Sacher-Anlage 2, Basel (Switzerland)
Holst Sinfonietta, Black Forest Percussion Group,
Soprano: Lena Kiepenhauer, Svea Schildknecht, Catriona Bühler,
Mezzo-soprano: Barabara Ostertag,
Directors: Klaus Simon, Lee Forrest Ferguson,
Sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
May 21, 2019, E-Werk Freiburg, Kammertheater
Pascal Pons, percussion
electronics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
April 15, 2019, 11:03 pm, SWR2 (Germany, Southwest Broadcaststation, 2nd program)
December 16, 2018, Choele Choel, Argentina
Alexander Ott, oboe
Walter Ifrim, clarinet
Wolfgang Rüdiger, bassoon
November 29, 2018, Freiburg, Stadtbibliothek
Reading of texts: Ingeborg Waldherr
Music informatic and electronics: Roland Breitenfeld
Sound design: the composers
November 15, 16 and 17, 2018, Freiburg, E-Werk, Kammertheater
October 29, 2018, Freiburg, Museumsgesellschaft e.V.
"Lesegesellschaft seit 1807"October 11, 2018, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg, 8 pm
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano),
Liz Hirst (flute, bass-flute),
Alexander Ott (oboe, english horn)
Walter Ifrim (bass-clarinet),
Rei Nakamura (piano),
Michael Kiedaisch (percussion),
Dita Lammerse (cello),
Sven Thomas Kiebler (conductor),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (music informatic, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
Roland Breitenfeld will show two original pictures in the hall:
- "Kalmus" (Seoul 2007), on Korean handmade paper (106 x 93)
- "Ophelias Tränen" (Seoul 2015, Freiburg 2017), on Korean handmade paper
(2 parts: 64 x 95)
October 5, 2018, Freiburg, Stadtbibliothek
"IFK - Komponistengespräche"September 12, 2018, E-Werk Freiburg, big hall
Frank Michael, flute
Anette Winker, Anna Zimmermann, bassoon
Martin Bergande, street-organ
Telemach Wiesinger, movie projection and street-organ
Theresa Fervers, dance and choreography
Kathrin Deusch, Chris Popovic, Thomas Wenk, video-projection
Music informatic, live-electronics: Roland Breitenfeld
Sound design: the composers
June 22, 2018, Merdingen, Zehntscheuer
Volker Rausenberger, accordeon
Music informatic, live-electronics and sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld
June 16, 2018, University of Freiburg, Archaeological Collection, Herder House
- 2 concerts: 7pm and 9pm
Works by Paul Hindemith, Olivier Messiaen, Iannis Xenakis
and world premieres from composers of Freiburg
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Pindar - Fragment" for cello solo (2018) world premiere
cello: Beverley Ellis
on YouTube click here
April 26, 2018, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
Ensemble Aventure,
Salome Kammer, voice
Roland Breitenfeld (Sound design in "white eyes erased" by Sarah Nemtsov
and "Surrogate" by Heiner Goebbels)
April 9, 2018, Seoul, Ilshin Hall, South-Korea
Haeyoung Kim, piano
Christian Rabenda, speaker
on YouTube (channel Roland Breitenfeld) click here
on YouTube (channel "sämusic" Haeyoung Kim) click here
March 10, 2018, E-Werk Freiburg, big hall
March 11, 2018, ZKM Karlsruhe
SWR Sinfonieorchester,
Conductor: Titus Engel
Music informatic, live-electronics and sound design:
Experimentalstudio of the SWR Freiburg,
Michael Acker, Joachim Haas, Thomas Hummel and Roland Breitenfeld
February 3, 2018, Musikforum Bochum, Konzerthaus
MP6 (Grisey),
Percussion Ensemble of the University of Arts Bremen (Nono),
Conductor: Olaf Tzschoppe
Roland Breitenfeld: music-informatics, live-electronics and sound design
November 23, 2017, Musikbibliothek Freiburg, Münsterplatz
Muriel Amadea Müller (viola, drums), Manuel Wüster (flute, drums),
Elias Falk (violin, horn),
Yile Huang (bass recorder), Nicolaj Wolf (euphonium)
September 28, 2017, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano),
Ute Knoedgen (speaker),
Beatrix Wagner (piccolo, flute, bassflute, doublebassflute),
Joachim Striepens (clarinet, bassclarinet, doublebassclarinet),
Gerald Eckert (cello),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (music informatics, live-electronics and sound design)
Director: Roland Breitenfeld
June 17, 2017, Bremer Dom St. Petri, Bremen
Percussion Ensemble of the University of Arts Bremen,
Conductor: Olaf Tzschoppe
Roland Breitenfeld: music-informatics, live-electronics and sound design
April 29, 2017, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
April 28, 2017, Kunststiftung Erich Hauser, Rottweil
Ensemble Aventure,
Conductor: Bas Wiegers
Roland Breitenfeld (sound design in "Testament Vivier" by Johannes Fritsch)
April 9, 2017, VHS (Volkshochschule), Schwarzes Kloster Freiburg, Room 110, 13:00 - 13:45
LECTURE Prof. Roland Breitenfeld: "The Sound of the Korean Traditionally Instruments"
October 26, 2016, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
"Neue Klaviermusik Freiburger Komponisten"
"an IFK concert
(Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V.)"
Works by:
Martin Bergande, Andreas Fervers, Hermann Gottschewski, Frank Michael, Wolfgang Motz, Mia Schmidt, Johann Christian Schulz, Zsigmond Szathmáry, Thomas Wenk
and from:
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Noch..." (2016)
for piano & live-electronics - world premiere
/ after the poem "Noch bist du da" by Rose Ausländer
on YouTube click here
Alfonso Gomez (piano),
Roland Breitenfeld (live electronics and sound design)
July 19, 2016, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
July 21, 2016, Bundes-Musikakademie, Staufen
Freiburger Akkordeon Orchester
Director: Volker Rausenberger
Sound design: Mesias Maiguashca
Roland Breitenfeld (electronics)
July 14, 2016, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo soprano),
Ute Knoedgen (speaker - also reading of the poems),
Alfonso Gomez (piano),
Lee Ferguson (percussion),
Jaeyoung Park (janggu),
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design)
director: Roland Breitenfeld
July 1 and 2, 2016, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
Director: Wolfgang Rüdiger
Conductor: Bernhard Wulff
Roland Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design)
March 20, 2016, Altes Rathaus, Baden-Baden
Ensemble Aventure Freiburg
Alexander Ott (oboe), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Wolfgang Rüdiger (bassoon)
also Dora Entcheva (violin) and Nicholas Reed (percussion)
on YouTube click here
February 25, 2016, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
Ute Knoedgen (speaker),
Cécile Solin (soprano - on tape)
Matthias Stich (saxophones),
Doesjka van der Linden (harp),
Michael Kiedaisch (percussion)
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design)
assistent: Jaeyon Kim
director: Roland Breitenfeld
October 12, 2015, Kyung-dong church, Seoul, South-Korea
Sohyun Park (pipe organ), Roland Breitenfeld (sound design in "Strophen")
September 30, 2015, Freiburg, Musikbibliothek, Münsterplatz, 8pm
Performers in the piece of Roland Breitenfeld:
Hendrik Wüster (clarinet / bass-clarinet),
Leon Sundermeyer (piano),
Muriel Amadea Muller (percussion),
other performers: Manuel Wüster (flute), Elias Falk (violin)
The ceremonial address holds cultural mayor Ulrich von Kirchbach.
a coproduction of the Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V. with the Musikbibliothek Freiburg
September 29, 2015, DEUTSCHLANDFUNK, Cologne, 9pm, transmission
Ensemble Auditivvokal Dresden, conductor: Olaf Katzer
Beatrix Wagner, bass flute
Live-electronics & sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld
September 15, 2015, Scalatium, Seoul, South-Korea
Terra Han (gayageum, percussion, voice)
July 9, 2015, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg - 8pm
works by:
Sukhi Kang, Johann Christian Schulz, Gamin,
Arthur Kampela, Donoung Lee
and from
Roland Breitenfeld:
"FlyEastWest" for piri / nagak, horn, percussion and live-electronics (2015) world premiere
on YouTube click here
"Bidan-Nabi", for saenghwang solo (2015)
on YouTube click here
GAMIN: saenghwang, piri, taepyeongso, nagak
Delphine Gauthier Guiche: horn
Hwa Young Lee, gayageum *)
Jieun Kang, haegeum *)
Nick Reed: percussion
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design)
*) Korean Music Project, leader: SngKn Kim
director: Roland Breitenfeld
July 7, 2015, Freiburg, BLIND DATE
June 18, 2015, Historisches Kaufhaus, Freiburg
May 27, 2015, SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Museum, Seoul, Southkorea, 1pm
"Gayageum Recital Terra Han"
Terra Han (gayageum, percussion, voice)
May 2, 2015, Gwanggyo Lake Park Madang Theater, Suwon, South Korea
Matthias Stich (saxophones),
Doesjka van der Linden (harp),
Michael Kiedaisch (percussion),
Roland Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design - assistant: Jaeyon Kim),
Theater Ensemble FLYING OFF THE CLIFF, Seoul
Mooney Kim (actor "Fedelma"), Sung Hun Yang (actor "Flann")
Ran Hoe (dancer - a woman), Dong Jun Kim (dancer - a man)
Director: Younjoo Sim
Leader: Roland Breitenfeld (assistant: Jeongung Oh)
general manager: Garden Seo (Assistentin: Katie Shim)
February 27, 2015, Freiburg, Bürgerhaus Zähringen 6pm
Performers in the piece of Roland Breitenfeld:
Emely Gerspach (clarinet / bass-clarinet) (Musikschule im Breisgau, class of Walter Ifrim),
Leon Sundermeyer (piano) (Musikschule Freiburg, class of Christoph Lang),
Muriel Amadea Muller (percussion) (Musikschule Dreisamtal, class of Ralph Bögelsack)
other performers:
Manuel Wüster (flute), Frank Michael (piano), Gjergji Bejko (piano), Tom Bräunling (double bass)
moderation: Muriel Amadea Muller
February 22, 2015, St. Nicolaikirche, Eckernförde, 5pm30
ensemble reflexion K, leader: Gerald Eckert
Beatrix Wagner (flute), Gerald Eckert (cello)
Live-electronics & sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld
February 21, 2015, St. Nicolaikirche, Eckernförde, 8pm
Ensemble Auditivvokal Dresden, conductor: Olaf Katzer
Beatrix Wagner, bass flute
Live-electronics & sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (photo: Gabriele Rennert)
January 18, 2015, Freiburg, Christuskirche, Gemeindehaus 7pm30
Performers in the piece of Roland Breitenfeld:
Emely Gerspach (clarinet / bass-clarinet) (Musikschule im Breisgau, class of Walter Ifrim),
Leon Sundermeyer (piano) (Musikschule Freiburg, class of Christoph Lang),
Muriel Amadea Muller (percussion) (Musikschule Dreisamtal, class of Ralph Bögelsack)
other performers:
Manuel Wüster (flute), Frank Michael (piano), Gjergji Bejko (piano), Tom Bräunling (double bass)
moderation: Muriel Amadea Muller
January 12, 2015, Tonhalle, Düsseldorf
January 16, 2015, Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung, Freiburg
Ensemble Aventure
Live-electronics & sound design: Chikashi Miyama, Roland Breitenfeld
December 12, 2014, Freiburg, Musikbibliothek, Münsterplatz, 8pm
Performers in the piece of Roland Breitenfeld:
Emely Gerspach (clarinet / bass-clarinet) (Musikschule im Breisgau, class of Walter Ifrim),
Leon Sundermeyer (piano) (Musikschule Freiburg, class of Christoph Lang),
Muriel Amadea Muller (percussion) (Musikschule Dreisamtal, class of Ralph Bögelsack)
a coproduction of the Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V. with the Musikbibliothek Freiburg
December 5, 2014, Seoul City Museum, 12:00
Terra Han, gayageum
Assistent (electronics): Young Jung Kim
Live-electronics & sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
November 29, 2014, Seoul National University, Museum of Modern Art (MOA), Seoul, Südkorea, 3pm
8 Elements Sound Concerts serie IV: "Haut / Skin - Erde / Earth"
"Scene for piri, traditionally Korean instruments and electronic sounds"
Works by:
Gamin, Theodore Wiprud, Chunggil Kim,
and from:
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Haut / Skin", skin instruments and electronics and
"Erde / Earth", for instruments from argillaceous earth, nagak and electronics (world premieres)
Gamin (Hyoseon Kang) (solo-piri, saenghwang, tepyeongso, nagak and dance),
Hyemin Chang (cello),
Assistent (electronics): Young Jung Kim
Roland Breitenfeld (live-electronics and sound design),
SngKn Kim (leader)
November 20 2014, Freiburg, Centre Culturel Français Freiburg, Münsterplatz 11 (im Kornhaus), 8pm
Beverley Ellis (cello), Anna Zassimova (piano), Olaf Tzschoppe (percussion)
Günter Buchwald, reading of texts
A coproduction of the Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V. with the Centre Culturel Français Freiburg
October 24, 2014, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg, 8pm
ensemble aventure freiburg
Martina Roth (flutes), Alexander Ott (oboe), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Wolfgang Rüdiger (bassoon),
Nicholas Reed (percussion), Akiko Okabe (piano), Friedemann Treiber (violin), Beverley Ellis (cello)
sound design: Jorge Garcia del Valle Mendez and Ingrid & Roland Breitenfeld
October 10, 2014, Seoul, KBS (Korean Broadcast Station)
October 9, 2014, Seoul Art Center, Jayu Theatre, Seoul, South Korea, 8pm
ensemble aventure freiburg
Martina Roth (flutes), Alexander Ott (oboe), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Wolfgang Rüdiger (bassoon),
Nicholas Reed (percussion), Akiko Okabe (piano), Friedemann Treiber (violin), Beverley Ellis (cello)
music informatics and sound design: Donoung Lee, Young-Mee Lymn, Jorge Garcia del Valle Mendez
and Roland Breitenfeld
October 7, 2014, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea,
College of Music, Concerthall House 49, 5pm & 7pm
ensemble aventure freiburg
Martina Roth (flutes), Alexander Ott (oboe), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Wolfgang Rüdiger (bassoon),
Nicholas Reed (percussion), Akiko Okabe (piano), Friedemann Treiber (violin), Beverley Ellis (cello)
music informatics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
September 30, 2014, Seoul, National Center for Korean Performing Arts, South Korea
GAMIN (Hyo Sun Kang) : Piri
Sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
August 28, 2014, Auvernier, Switzerland (Cernier, Grange aux Concerts)
August 26, 2014, Karlsruhe, ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie)
Schola Heidelberg
Conductor: Walter Nußbaum
Sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
July 17, 2014, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg - 8pm
July 18, 2014, Christuskirche, Rheinfelden - 8pm
July 19, 2014, Radbrunnen, Breisach - 5pm (supporting program with the "Kaiserstuhl Percussion" - leader: Friedemann Stert of the Jugendmusikschule Breisach)
works by:
Mehran Sherkat Naderi, Johann Christian Schulz, Heeyeon Jin,
Johannes Schöllhorn, Olaf Tzschoppe
and from
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Aus Federn rinnen weiße Tinten" version for 4 percussion players and electronics (2014) world premiere
/ after the poem with the same title by Manfred Wiemer
SCHLAGZEUGENSEMBLE of the Hochschule für Künste Bremen
David Gutfleisch, Gabriele Lattuada, Martin Rodriguez, Felix Ernst, Liang Duo, Zitong Wang
Olaf Tzschoppe (leader)
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (electronics and sound design)
director: Roland Breitenfeld
June 1, 2014, Mullae Art Factory, Box Theater, Seoul, South-Korea, 3pm
Juhyun Park (soprano "The Little Prince"),
Jaemyeong Lee (tenor "The Pilot),
Su In Chung (narrator),
Youjin Jang (alto "The Snake"),
Hui-gon Kim (daegeum), Han Yo Son (clarinet),
Do Yeon Kim (gayageum), Soulyoung Jeong (piano), Soo Jin Kang (marimba),
JiYeon Yoon (violin), Boyeong Hwang (haegeum), Tae In Lee (cello), HeeYoon Kang (cello),
Jeong Hwi Kim (conductor), Yiho Ahn (assistent)
May 13, 2014, Seoul Arts Center, Recital Hall, Seoul, South-Korea
Works by:
Anton Reicha, Nikolaj Rimsky-Korsakov
and from
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Where, How Shall We Meet Again" , for wind quintet (2014) world premiere
on YouTube click here
Haeri Yun (flute, piccolo, bass flute), Ingo Goritzki (Oboe, Englisch Horn), Chang-Su Lee (clarinet, bass clarinett),
Young Yul Kim (horn), Hyeong Chan Kim (bassoon), Su-Yeon Im (piano)
conductor: Hyun-Soo Kim
May 11, 2014, Seoul, National Center of Korean Traditional Performing, Seoul, South-Korea
"Creative Music Concert"Works by:
Javier Alvarez, Donoung Lee, Young Jung Kim, Hasan Ahmed Hejairi, Taehwo Kim
and from
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Heyri-Music no. 3" for Korean traditionally percussion instruments, haegeum and electronic sounds (2014) world premiere
on YouTube click here
Sori Choi, Won Young Shin (percussion), Jieun Kang (haegeum),
Electronics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
May 8, 2014, Seoul National University, Museum of Modern Art (MOA), Lecture Hall, 4pm
April 30, 2014, Seoul, National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art (MMCA), Tube Multiplex Hall, 4pm
Terra Han, gayageum
Assistent (electronics): Young Jung Kim
Live-electronics & sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
April 6, 2014, Café artjamming Freiburg, 11am
"Matinée in Café artjamming "Works by:
Wolfgang Motz, Younghi Pagh Paan, Mia Schmidt, Chaya Czernowin , Carola Bauckholt
and from
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Einblick II" version for bassoon and vibraphone (2014), world premiere
Martina Roth (flute), Annette Winker (bassoon), Julian Belli (vibraphone)
February 13, 2014, E-Werk Freiburg
"SOUND SOUROUND FESTIVAL - Klangkunst aus dem Dreieckland"Works by:
Wolfgang Motz, Andreas Fervers, Mia Schmidt, Zsigmond Szathmáry, Hermann Gottschewski, Thomas Wenk, Johann Christian Schulz, Frank Michael
and from Roland Breitenfeld:
"Moments of Darkness" for bass trombone and live-electronics (2003)
Thomas Wagner, Anton Wagner, Max Wagner (trombones and tuba)
Moderation: Andreas Fervers
Electronics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
February 8, 2014, Stadtbibliothek Freiburg, Musikabteilung, 11 Uhr
Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V. (IFK)
"Komponistengespräche der IFK"
December 19, 2013, E-Werk Freiburg
Works by:
Juliana Hodkinson, Aristides Lianza, Georg Friedrich Haas, Stepahn Winkler,
Aurélio Edler-Copus, Marisol Jiménez, Tristan Murail
Ensemble SurPlus Freiburg
Electronics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
August 9, 2013, Concert hall of the Schloss Obernzell, Obernzell (near of Passau)
"Compositions after poems by Reiner Kunze"
"celebration his 80th birthday"
a profectio - concert
Words and narration of the poems: Mrs Prof. Dr. Young-Ae Chon
works by:
Benjamin Helmer, Johann Christian Schulz,
SngKn Kim, Klaus Huber
and from
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Jasmintee" for gayageum solo (2006) world premiere
/ after the poem "Einladung zu einer Tasse Jasmintee"
"Traditionally Korean Music
Benjamin Helmer (narrator), Johann Christian Schulz (guitar)
Hong Yoo (daegeum / narrator), Yoonjin Choi (gayageum), Sori Choi (janggu, percussion), Jieun Kang (haegeum / narrator)
SngKn Kim (leader)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronics and sound design)
director: Roland Breitenfeld
The concert will be during the festval events to the 750-anniversary of the town Obernzell.
homepage Reiner Kunze
August 7, 2013, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
"Compositions after poems by Reiner Kunze"
"celebration his 80th birthday"
a profectio - concert
Words and narration of the poems: Mrs Prof. Dr. Young-Ae Chon
works by:
Benjamin Helmer, Sung-Mo Yang, Hanah Kim,
Klaus Huber, Johann Christian Schulz, Yunsum Kim,
SngKn Kim
and from
Roland Breitenfeld
"Jasmintee" for gayageum and live-electronics (version 2011)
/ after the poem "Einladung zu einer Tasse Jasmintee"
"Flying Leaf" for janggu, percussion and electronics (2011)
/ with a poem by Young-Ae Chon
also Traditionally Korean Music
Won Kim (baritone), Benjamin Helmer (narrator), Johann Christian Schulz (guitar), Monika Sundermeyer (piano), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
Hong Yoo (daegeum / narrator), Yoonjin Choi (gayageum), Sori Choi (janggu, percussion), Jieun Kang (haegeum / narrator)
SngKn Kim (leader)
Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld (electronics and sound design)
director: Roland Breitenfeld
June 15, 2013, Stadtbibliothek Freiburg, Musikabteilung, 10 am
Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V. (IFK)
"Presentation of the IFK"
June 13, 2013, Christuskirche, Freiburg
works by
György Ligeti for organ, percussion and electronics
Zsigmond Szathmáry (organ),
Olaf Tzschoppe (percussion),
Roland Breitenfeld (electronics and sound design)
April 19, 2013, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
works by:
Liza Lim, Samir Odeh-Tamimi, Jorge Horst, Alan Hilario, Volker Heyn
Electronics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
January 27, 2013, Stimmpunkt Freiburg, Schwarzwaldstr. 139, 11 am
Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V.
"Komponistengespräch Nr. 5 / Interview with composers #5"
December 12, 2012, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
"a musically scene : chess"
a profectio - concert
works by:
JuneYoung Joo, Luigi Nono, Alfonso García de la Torre,
Hermann Gottschewski, Johannes Schöllhorn, Ignacio Monterrubio, György Ligeti,
Hyo-Jee Kang ("The Game" - Chess)
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Flying Leaf", for janggo, percussions, dance and electronics (2011) (first performance in Europe)
on YouTube click here
Moon-Sook Park (soprano), Caroline Schori (soprano),
Ingrid Breitenfeld (recorder), Roberto Casado (flute) *), Nicola Miorada (clarinet),
Thomas Wagner (bass trombone), Christian Glogau (trumpet), Alfonso Gomez & Esther Kim (piano, spinett)*),
Olaf Tzschoppe (percussions), Hsin Lee (janggo / percussions),
Friedemann Treiber (violin), Michelle Man (dance) *), Benjamin Helmer (chess player)
sound design: Alfonso García de la Torre *), Roland Breitenfeld
choreograpy: Michelle Man *)
leader: Roland Breitenfeld
*) Ensemble Sinkro Vitoria-Gasteiz (Spain)
October 12, 2012, Soriwool Guest House, Seoul, South Korea
Eight-Elements Sounds III: "Gourd / Wood"
"Scene for Piri, traditionally Korean instruments and electronic music"
Traditionally Korean Music
and works by:
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Gourd12", for gourd, gourdflute, percussions and electronic sounds and
"Wood12", for a wood-house and electronics (world premieres)
KaMin (Hyoseon Kang) (Solo-Piri, Senghwang, Tepyeongso and dance),
Insu Kim, Daegon Kim (percussions),
Sirin Nah (sound design),
SngKn Kim (leader)
September 13, 2012, E-Werk Freiburg, Großer Saal
"5 Positionen"
a concert of the IFK (Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V.)
"Komponistenwerkstatt 2"
works by:
Igor Majcen, Wolfgang Motz, Mia Schmidt, Johann Christian Schulz
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Les couleurs du Midi #1", for oboe, piano and percussion (2005)
Ensemble SurPlus Freiburg
March 16, 2012, Kunstverein Freiburg (Marienbad)
"FETZEN eine modulare Klang/Raum-Komposition"
a concert of the IFK (Interessengemeinschaft Freiburger Komponisten e.V.)
works by:
Martin Bergande, Andreas Fervers, Hermann Gottschewski, Mesias Maiguashca,
Igor Majcen, Frank Michael, Wolfgang Motz, Mia Schmidt,
Johann Christian Schulz, Andreas H.H. Suberg
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"nachgehört...", for flute, trumpet, trombone, 2 percussion players,
guitar, violin and cello (2012) world premiere
Frank Michael (flute), Steve Altoft (trumpet), Thomas Wagner (trombone),
Olaf Tzschoppe & Lee Ferguson (percussions), Johann Christian Schulz (guitar),
Silvia Fischer (violin), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
February 25, 2012, Schiller-Saal, Offenburg
"25 Years of the Offenburger Ensemble"
works by:
Xaver Paul Thoma, Herbert Söllner, Ottfried Büsing
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Blaues Licht", for 16 instruments, mezzo-soprano and live-electronics (2004)
/ after the picture with the same title by Martin Dittrich
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano)
Gerhard Möhringer-Gross (leader),
music-informatic, live-electronics and sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld, Minkyu Kim
February 5, 2012, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
"Ensemble Chronophonie / profectio initiative freiburg"
"Crossing Borders - Germany / South-Korea"
works by:
Mia Schmidt, Wolfgang Motz, Minkyu Kim, Martin Bergande, Younghi Paagh-Pan
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Faktor Nr. 1" (Version a), for flute solo
Daniel Agi (flute), Steve Altoft (trumpet),
Lee Ferguson (percussions),
video and sound design: Minkyu Kim
November 25, 2011, Kumho Art Hall, Seoul, South-Korea
"Sukyung Chung, Harpsichord Recital - Baroque and Now"
works by:
György Ligeti, F. Couperin, J. S. Bach, J. Ph. Rameau
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Ereignisse IV" (2011), for harpsichord and tape (world premiere)
Sukyung Chung (harpsichord),
Min-Seou Cha (baroque-violin), Kye-Ru She (viola da gamba),
sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
November 9, 2011, SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Museum, Seoul, South-Korea
"Creative Music Concert"
"Works for traditional Korean instruments"
works by:
Bohyun Kim, Benjamin Helmer, Hae-Sik Lee, Yoo-Jin Jang, Dae-Sung Kim
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Flying Leaf", for janggo (+ percussion) and tape / with a poem by Young-Ae Chon (world premiere)
Sori Choi (janggo / percussion),
SngKn Kim (leader),
sound design: Roland Breitenfeld, Bohyun Kim
November 2, 2011, Gwangju, South-Korea
"Ensemble New Music Concert"
works by:
Che-Beom Han, Dong-Min Shin, Lee-Chae Park, Man-Seok Han, Eun-Young Park,
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"...ganz nah eine stimme" (1979/1993), for flute, oboe, clarinet, piano and tape
Ensemble New Music,
Young-Ju Son (flute), Young-Ju Kim (oboe), Hoi-Kyon Gu (clarinet), Young-Mi Kim (piano),
Ugwang Lee (conductor),
sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
October 25/26, 2011, Mullae Art Factory, Box Theater, Seoul, South-Korea
8 elements sounds concert series II: "SILK / BAMBOO"
"scene for piri, traditional Korean instruments, video and electronic sounds"
Traditional Korean Music and works by:
Donoung Lee, Anthony De Ritis, Il Won, Hye-Jin Yoon
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Seide11", for silk, gayageum, haegeum and electronics and
"Bambus11", for bamboo, daegeum and electronics (world premieres)
KaMin (Hyoseon Kang) (solo-piri and dance),
Insu Kim (janggo / percussion), Jee-Ae Lee (gayageum),
Son-Ok Park (costumes), Sang-Bin Yun (stage), Won-Hyeok Choi (light)
Aeri Kim (assistant-director), Hayang-MaIm Gong (video),
Sun Kim (music-concept), Kyong-Suk Lee (script),
Young-Chan Lee (choreography),
Sang-Yeon Lee (director),
SngKn Kim (leader),
sound design: Roland Breitenfeld, Anthony de Ritis
September 30, 2011, Seoul, South-Korea
"Canconi con flauto dolce e organo"
Ingrid Breitenfeld: recorders
Jin Kim: organ
September 15, 2011, Gugak Radiostation FM 99.1 MHz, Seoul, South-Korea
Transmission of the "Creative Music Concert" from September 7, 2011
works by:
Hjojee Kang, SngKn Kim, Baudouin de Jaer,
June-Hee Lim, Haesik Lee
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Jasmintee", for gayageum and live-electronics (version 2011)
Gamin H. Kang (piri), Yoon-Jin Choi (gayageum),
Na-Jeong Jin (gayageum), Kil-Yong Chae (daegeum),
Sori Choi (janggo / percussion),
music-informatic, live-electronics, sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld
September 7, 2011, National Center of Korean Traditional Performing, Seoul, South-Korea
"Creative Music Concert"
works by:
Hjojee Kang, SngKn Kim, Baudouin de Jaer,
June-Hee Lim, Haesik Lee
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Jasmintee", for gayageum and live-electronics (version 2011)
Gamin H. Kang (piri), Yoon-Jin Choi (gayageum),
Na-Jeong Jin (gayageum), Kil-Yong Chae (daegeum),
Sori Choi (janggo / percussion),
music-informatic, live-electronics, sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld
July 21, 2011, Hochschule für Gestaltung, Karlsruhe
"Koreanischer Musik Tag in Karlsruhe 2011"
works by:
Donoung Lee, Geon-Yong Lee,
Eun-ji Lee, Byung-dong Paik,
also traditionel Korean music
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Jasmintee", for gayageum and live-electronics (version 2011)
Gamin H. Kang (piri), Han Kim (clarinet),
Yoon-Jin Choi (gayageum), Magdalena Bäz (flute),
Sori Choi (janggo / percussion),
music-informatic, live-electronics, sound design: Roland & Ingrid Breitenfeld, Eun-ji Lee
July 19, 2011, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung, Freiburg
"20 Jahre AUFBRUCH ZU ETWAS NEUEM: profectio initiative freiburg"
a profectio - concert
works by:
Donoung Lee, Geon-Yong Lee, Jorge Garcia del Valle Mendez,
Wolfgang Motz (world-premiere), Andeas H.H. Suberg (world-premiere), Eun-Hye Yun (world-premiere)
also traditionel Korean music
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Jasmintee", for gayageum and live-electronics (version 2011) (world-premiere)
on YouTube click here
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano), Ralph Mangelsdorff (counter-tenor),
Gamin H. Kang (piri / sengwhang), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Han Kim (clarinet),
Yoon-Jin Choi (gayageum), Rei Nakamura (piano),
Olaf Tzschoppe (percussion), Sori Choi (janggo / percussion),
Maria Stang (violin), Sebastian Wohlfarth (viola), Lusine Arakelyan (cello)
sound design: Andreas H.H. Suberg, Wolfgang Motz, Ingrid Breitenfeld
music-informatic, live-electronics, sound design and leader: Roland Breitenfeld
April 30, 2011, Brandeis University, Waltham (Massachusetts), U.S.A.
"Brandeis Electro-Acoustic Music Series "
Roland Breitenfeld: "HM98", for violin solo, 8-channel tape and live-electronics
Benjamin Sung (violin)
Electronic Studio of the Brandeis University
March 28, 2011, Main Hall, Tongyeong Arts Center, Tongyeong, South-Korea
"Tongyeong International Music Festival (TIMF)"
works by:
Unsuk Chin ("Akrostichon Wortspiel" / Gougalon)
Heiner Goebbels ("La Jalousie" / "Samplersuite")
Ensemble TIMF
electronics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
conductor: Franck Ollu
March 19, 2011, Ryu-House-Gallery, Cheongpyeong, South-Korea
"Tradition & Modern - Schumann, Gagok & Electronic Sounds"
traditionel Korean music, songs by Robert Schumann and works by:
Namkuk Kim, Hye-jin Yoon
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Les couleurs du Midi no.4" (Ryu-House-Version) - electronic sounds and
"Einblick II" version for gayageum, daegeum and electronic sounds (2011) world premiere
Min Hee Park (gagok-voice), Won-Joung Jeong (baritone),
Kil-Yong Chae (daegeum), Yoon-Jin Choi (gayageum), Sunkyoung Moon (haegeum), InSoo Kim (janggo), Jihye Kang (piano),
sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
December 15, 2010, "George Enescu" Concert Hall,
National University of Music, Bucharest, Romania
"5 years of devotioModerna"
works by:
Dan Voiculescu, Cristian Lolea, Ivana Stefanovic, Lucian Metianu, Corneliu Dan Georgescu
and by
Roland Breitenfeld:
"Tempest", for clarinet / bass-clarinet, percussion and piano (2004) (world premiere)
Ensemble devotioModerna Bucharest
Teodora Ducariu (flute), Valentin Ghita (oboe), Cristian Mancas (clarinets),
Natalia Colotelo-Pancec (violin), Andrei Cavassi (violoncello),
Olga Tanase-Podobinschi (piano), Alexandru Matei, Alexandru Sturzu (percussion)
Ensemble coordinator & conductor: Carmen Maria Cârneci
September 11, 2010, Seoul Art Center, Gugak Museum, Seoul, South-Korea
8 elements sounds concert series: "STONES / METAL"
"Works for piri solo and traditionel Korean instruments"
KaMin (Hyoseon Kang) (solo-piri / sheng),
Kil-Yong Chae (daegeum), NaJeong Jin (gayageum), YunJeong Shim (janggo),
SngKn Kim (leader),
sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
September 5, 2010, Seoul Art Center, Jayu Theatre, Seoul, South-Korea
"International Computermusicfestival- concert no. 5"
Jungyoon Byun (alto),
Martina Roth (flute / alto-flute / bass-flute), Walter Ifrim (clarinet / bass-clarinet), Thomas Wagner (bass-trombone / tuba),
Donoung Lee (conductor),
music-informatic, live-electronics and sound design:
Richard Dudas, Young-Mee Lymn, Donoung Lee, Roland Breitenfeld
June 15, 2010, Seoul, South-Korea
Seoul National University, Concert Hall of the College of Music
"2010 Summer Academy"
May 9, 2010, KBS Radio, Seoul, South-Korea
"2010 Robert Schumann-Festival / Korean Song - Project"
April 30, 2010, Goethe Institut, Seoul, South-Korea
"2010 Robert Schumann-Festival / Korean Song - Project"
Min Hee Park (gagok-voice), Chang-Wan Yoo (baritone),
Kil-Yong Chae (daegeum), Yoon-Jin Choi (gayageum), Sunkyoung Moon (haegeum), InSoo Kim (janggo), Yoon-Jin Choi (piano),
Tamgu Lee (conductor),
Roland Breitenfeld (sound design),
SngKn Kim (producer), Soo-Kyung Lee (assistant)
in comission of the Goethe Institut Seoul
Interview from the Goethe Institut (Mrs Elisabeth Joe) with Roland Breitenfeld (text / German):
January 27, 2010, Düsseldorf, Tonhalle
January 25, 2010, Freiburg, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung
"Compositions from Mexico"
Ensemble Aventure Freiburg
works by:
Mario Lavista, Hilda Paredes, Julio Estrada, German Romero, Javier Alvarez and Edgar Barroso
Martina Roth (flute), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Wolfgang Rüdiger (bassoon), Akiko Okabe (piano),
Victoria Ifrim & Johannes Knopp (percussions), Friedemann Treiber (violin), Jessica Rona (viola),
Beverley Ellis (cello), Johannes Nied (doublebass),
Robert HP Platz (conductor),
Edgar Barroso (live-electronics and sound design)
Roland Breitenfeld: live-electronics and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg / Seoul National University)
December 7, 2009, Seoul, South-Korea
Sejeong Center, Chamber Hall, 7:30pm
"Studio 2021"
Jong Hwa Park (piano)
SNU New Music Ensemble
TIMF Ensemble
electronic realisation: Students of the Electronic Studio and from the Composition Department of the Seoul National University
with Roland Breitenfeld
Production: SngKn Kim
Open Rehearsal: SNU, College of Music, Concert Hall, December 5, 5pm
September 20, 2009, Badenweiler, KunstPalais and Marienkapelle, Germany
Grossherzogliches Palais at Schlossplatz
Finissage of the exhibition:
"Hubertus Kirchgäßner 'Askese des Blicks'"
September 19, 2009, Seoul, South-Korea
Seoul Art Center, Recital Hall
"Festival ACCENTO"
Hyun-Joo Yun (mezzosoprano)
Sang-Eun Lee (bass-flute)
September 17, 2009 (8:15pm), TBSeFM Seoul, South-Korea
TBSeFM 101,3 MHz
"Interview with Roland Breitenfeld"
inklusive of the transmissions of the compositions:
"Moments of Light" and two parts of:
"Der Königssohn vom Schwarzwald" ("The Prince of the Black Forrest")
September 12, 2009, Seoul, South-Korea
Orgelhaus, (
"Canconi con flauto dolce e clavicembalo"
Works by:
Benedetto Marcello, Pieter de Vois, Georg Philipp Telemann, Johann Sebastian Bach,
Antonio Vivaldi, Francoise Couperin, Jakob van Eyck, Karlheinz Stockhausen, Gyula Foky-Gruber and from
Ingrid Breitenfeld: recorders
Hae Jeong Kim: harpsichord / clavichord
June 11, 2009, National Center of Korean Traditional Performing, Seoul, South-Korea
Ji-Young Yi Gayageum Recital
"Meet Music Drama at Darmstadt"
Ji-Young Yi (gayageum),
Kwon-Sun Kang (voice), Woong-Sik Kim (janggo), Jeong-Seung Kim (daegeum), Sang-Hun Kim (ajaeng), Hyang-Hee Lee (saenghwang), Kyu-Bong Rhee (western percussion),
Young-Joon Kim (conductor),
Won-Bea Park (sound design assistant),
Roland Breitenfeld (music-informatic, live-electronics and sound design)
June 3-21, 2009, Seoul, South-Korea
(Museum of Art), Seoul National University
May 10, 2009, Freiburg, E-Werk
"piano, percussion, viola +"
a profectio - concert
works by:
Luciano Berio, Unsuk Chin, Olaf Tzschoppe, Michael Edwards, Jeffrey Trevino
Roland Breitenfeld: "Ereignisse II", for piano, percussion & electronics (2009) world premiere
Rei Nakamura (piano), Olaf Tzschoppe (percussion), Jessica Rona (viola)
Roland Breitenfeld: music-informatic, electronics and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg / Seoul National University)
leader: Roland Breitenfeld
April 4, 2009, SWR2 (Southwest Broadcast Station) Baden-Baden / Stuttgart, 2-3 pm
"Music and Literary"
a transmission about Peter Huchel
with an interview with Roland Breitenfeld
about his cycle "Von Stimmen umwittert..." / cycle of songs about poems by Peter Huchel
and with a composition from the concert from April 4, 2008 in Staufen
Producer: Wolfgang Scherer
February 19, 2009, Vitoria, Spain
"Sinkro Festival Vitoria"
Ensemble Aventure Freiburg
Works by:
Luigi Nono, Mesias Maiguashca, Donoung Lee and Georgia Spiropoulos
Roland Breitenfeld: "Licht rodet Kälte", for bass-flute, bass-clarinet, Radio Baton and live-electronics (2007)
Liz Hirst (flute), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Sophie Magnien (cello), Akiko Okabe (piano),
Roland Breitenfeld: music-informatic, electronics and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg / Seoul National University)
November 11, 2008, Budapest, Hungary
"Ars nova"
Zsigmond Szathmáry, organ
Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion
Roland Breitenfeld, electronics and sound design
radio transmission of:
Roland Breitenfeld "Annunciazione" (2005), for organ, percussion and live-electronics / after the picture with the same title by Leonardo da Vinci (1472-1475)
November 1-4, 2008, Yonsei University, Seoul, South-Korea
Messiaen Festival Seoul 2008 (Leader: Mrs Prof. Tong-Sook Kwak)
November 1st: Messiaen Symposium
Roland Breitenfeld: "Olivier Messiaen and the Electronic Music"
and further more contributions by Sang-Eun Oh, François Sabatier, Ji-Young Park, Sangjick Jun, François Epinasse and Thierry Escaich
Nov 1st: Lecture Concert: Thierry Escaich (Improvisations), Hue-Am Park (piano-music)
Nov 2nd: Messiaen Chamber Music Concert ("Le baiser de l'Enfant Jésus", "Le Merle noir", "Quatour pour la fin du temps")
Nov 3rd: Thierry Escaich Organ Concert (works by C. Tournemire, J. Alain, T. Escaich and O. Messiaen)
Nov 4th: François Espinass Organ Concert (works by C. Tournemire, M. Dupré and O. Messiaen)
Messiaen Seminars: Oct. 31st (T. Escaich), Nov 3rd (F. Sabatier), Nov 4th (F. Espinass)
October 3rd, 2008, Kumho Art Hall, Seoul, South-Korea
SORI - Contemporary Music Ensemble (Leader: Chang Won Park)
"The Story of Music Today III"
"Maestri Italiani"
Luigi Nono: "...sofferte onde serene..." (1976)
for piano and tape
and works by Bruno Maderna, Luciano Berio and Salvatore Sciarrino
SORI Ensemble
Aeri No (piano), Eunjin Seo (mezzo-soprano), Jonghyoung Ahn (clarinet), Moreno Benigno (recitation)
Chang Won Park (conductor)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronics and sound design)
Juni 24th-27th, 2008, Daegu, South-Korea
Daegu International Contemporary Music Festival
Angelina Soller (mezzo-soprano)
Christa Eschmann (bass-flute)
June 24th, 2008, Freiburg, E-Werk
"flutes, percussion +"
a profectio - concert
works by:
Peter Leuven, Bernfried Pröve, Olaf Tzschoppe, Dominik Karski, Heinz Holliger and
Juliane Klein: "Aus der Wand die Rinne - Nr. 10", for tape (2006) - realisation by Roland Breitenfeld, 2008, world-premiere
Roland Breitenfeld: "Heyri Music 02", for korean percussion-instruments and tape (2008) world-premiere
Liz Hirst (flutes), Olaf Tzschoppe (percussion)
Roland Breitenfeld: musicinformatic, elektronics and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg / Seoul National University)
leader: Roland Breitenfeld
May 24, 2008, Hannover, SofaLoft Event-Bühne
"konzertreihe ad libitum"
Angelina Soller (mezzo-soprano)
Christa Eschmann (bass-flute)
May 16th, 2008, Seoul, South-Korea
SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, College of Music (Room 55-203)
Institute of Western Music, Leader Mrs Prof. Hee-Sook Oh
"Lecture-concert INGRID BREITENFELD: The Recorder from the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Music"
"Minstrel-Music of the Middle Ages for soprano-recorder with tambourine"
- Saltarello
EARLY BAROQUE "Music of Venice about 1600"
- Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643): "Canzona detta La Bernardinia"
for tenor-recorder and basso continuo
-Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741): Concert a-minor, for alto-recorder (sopranino), 2 violins and basso continuo
- Johann Joachim Quantz (1697-1773): Triosonata F-major, for alto-recorder, flute and basso continuo
- Ernest Krämer (1795-?): "Divertimento"
from "12 Divertimenti (1822)" sundry pieces for soprano-recorder solo
-Gyula Foky-Gruber: "Ungarische Volkstänze" for the Foky-Gruber-Silver-Recorder and piano
- Pete Rose: "This and That", for soprano-recorder and sopranino
- Agnes Dorwarth: "Nachtstücke" for recorders (S/A/T/B) solo
- Roland Breitenfeld: "In den Gärten der Persephone" (2007), for double-bass-recorder and live-electronics
Ingrid Breitenfeld (recorders)
SooAnn Chung (flute), Eunyoung Song (violin), Hyewon Lee (violone), Jaeyeon Kim (spinet, piano), Kyungran Kim (cello)
Electronic and sound-design: Donoung Lee, Roland Breitenfeld
April 25th, 2008, Seoul, South-Korea
SEOUL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Concert Hall of the College of Music
Studio 2021
"Portraitconcert Mesias Maiguashca"
1.) "Traum I" video-tape
2.) "Sacatecas Dance" for flute, tape and live-electronics
3.) "Traum II" video-tape
4.) "The Spirit Catcher"for cello, tape & live-electronics
5.) "Traum III" video-tape
6.) "3 Klavierstücke: 'Clusters', 'Tres Melodies', 'Mentiras'" UA
7.) "DarVar" for laptop-piano
8.) "La Noche Ciclica II" for violin, cello, piano, marimba and 4 envelopefollower
SooAnn Chung (flute), Ji-Young Lee (cello - in 4.), Eunyoung Song (violin), Yunju Na (cello - in 8.), Seon-In Chung (piano), Sukyung Chung (marimba)
Conductor: Roland Breitenfeld (in 8.)
Electronics and sound-design: Mesias Maiguashca, Roland Breitenfeld
April 4th, 2008, Staufen, Konzertsaal der Musikakademie des BDB (Bund Deutscher Blasmusikverbände)
"Roland Breitenfeld: "Von Stimmen umwittert…" / song cycle after poems by Peter Huchel (part 2)"
1.) "Todtmoos" / after the poem with the same title, for mezzo-soprano, piccolo / flute, oboe, spinet, percussion, cello & live-electronics (2007/08) world-premiere
2.) "Licht rodet Kälte" / after the poem "Wintermorgen in Irland" (2007), for bass-flute, bass-clarinet, radio baton and live-electronics
3.) "Ophelia" / after the poem with the same title (with textfragments by William Shakespeare), for mezzo-soprano (with percussion) & live-electronics (2003) world premiere
4.) "Im Kalmusgeruch dänischer Wiesen liegt immer noch Hamlet" / after the poem with the same title (with textfragments by William Shakespeare and Äsop), for mezzo-soprano, bass-flute, english horn, bass-clarinet, piano, percussion, cello & live-electronics (2007/08) world premiere
Christina Ascher (mezzo-soprano), Elizabeth Hirst (flutes), Christian Hommel (oboes), Walter Ifrim (bass-clarinet), Rei Nakamura (spinet / piano), Victoria Ifrim (percussion), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
conductor: Roland Breitenfeld
musicinformatic, elektronics and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld and the
Experimentalstudio for Acoustic Art of the SWR Freiburg: Michael Acker, Sven Kestel, Andreas H.H. Suberg
leader of the project: Roland Breitenfeld
producer: Elmar Bernauer, Gallerie Fluchtstab Staufentransmitting: SWR Freiburg, Wolfgang Scherer
February 23, 2008, Offenburg, Schillersaal
Offenburger Ensemble
conductor: Gerhard Möhringer-Groß
works by:
Otfried Büsing, Younghi Pagh-Paan, Wolfgang Rihm, Jörg Widmann, Boris Yoffe and
Roland Breitenfeld: "ageha-cho", version for akkordion solo (2007)
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano), Peter Erdrich (tenor), Ferdinand Holz and Peter Stöhr (flute), Uli Steurer (oboe), Markus Raus (clarinet), Annette Winkler (bassoon), Alois Müller (akkordion), Uschi Groß (pinao), Frank Schilli (violin), Rolf Schilli (viola), Martin Merker (cello)
December 19, 2007, Freiburg, E-Werk
"staying waves +"
a profectio - concert
works by:
Donoung Lee, Mesias Maiguashca und
Roland Breitenfeld: "In den Gärten der Persephone", for doublebass-recorder and live-electronics (2007) world premiere
Ingrid Breitenfeld (doublebass-recorder), Elizabeth Hirst (flute), Thomas Wagner (trombone), Maria Stang (violin), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
Mesias Maiguashca, Donoung Lee & Roland Breitenfeld: musicinformatic, electronics and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg / Seoul National University)
leader: Roland Breitenfeld
November 8, 2007, Seoul (South Korea),
Seoul Art Center, Jayu Theatre
on November 8th works by:
Donoung Lee, Young Mee Lymn, Daniel Zea Gómez, Yutaka Makino, Jong Yeoul Chong, Minsuk Yang, João Pedro Oliveira and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Licht rodet Kälte" (2007) ("Light rooted out coldness"), for bassflute, bassclarinet, radio baton and live-electronics, / after the poem "Wintermorgen in Irland" ("Wintermorning in Ireland" by Peter Huchel
October 30, 2007, Remscheid, Evangelische Stadtkirche
Night of the churches and cultur in Remscheid
20:00 - 23:30 Uhr:
Roland Breitenfeld (music), Kirchgäßner (video) "Les couleurs du Midi no. 4"
see also:
October 4, 2007, Heidelberg, Spiegelsaal Prinz Carl
October 6, 2007, Köln, Sendesaal of the WDR
Schola Heidelberg
J. Marc Reichow, piano
Conductor: Walter Nußbaum
Electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
Works by:
Gerard Grisey "Les chants de l'amour"
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Claude Vivier a. o.
October 1, 2007, Seoul (South Korea),
Torch Center Seoul
Zsigmond Szathmáry, organ
Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion
Donoung lee and Roland Breitenfeld, electronics and sound design
works by:
Isang Yun, Younghi Pagh-Paan, Donoung Lee, Olaf Tzschoppe, Annette Schlünz and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Annunciazione" (2005), for organ, percussion and live-electronics, / after the picture with the same title by Leonardo da Vinci (1472-1475)
July 1, 2007, Freiburg,
Skulpturenhalle of the "Stiftung für konkrete Kunst Roland Phleps" (Pochgasse 73).
"Aventure Sonderkonzert"
works by:
Luigi Nono, Donoung Lee, Bruno Maderna, Isang Yun and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Licht rodet Kälte" (2007) ("Light rooted out coldness"), for bass flute, bass clarinet, radio baton and live-electronic (2007) world premiere
in commission of the Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Martina Roth (flutes), Walter Ifrim (clarinets)
Eunyoung Shim (radio baton)
Donoung Lee & Roland Breitenfeld: music informatic, electronic and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg / Seoul National University)
June 23, 2007, Freiburg, E-Werk
a profectio - concert
works by:
Younghi Pagh-Paan, Donoung Lee, Eunyoung Shim, Carmen Maria Cârneci, Mesias Maiguashca and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Der ferne Klang des Echos", for akkordion and live-electronic (2007) world premiere
Roland Breitenfeld: "ageha-cho", version for akkordion solo (2007) world premiere
Alois Müller (akkordion), Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano), Elizabeth Hirst (flute), Marina Paccagnella (harpe), Victoria Ifrim (perc.), Maria Stang (violin), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
Carmen Maria Cârneci (conductor)
Donoung Lee, Eunyoung Shim & Roland Breitenfeld: music informatic, electronic and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg / Seoul National University)
direction: Roland Breitenfeld
May 23, 2007, EBS-TV, South-Korea
"The Revolution of Modern Music - Electronic Music"
April 24, 2007, Gundelfingen, Kulturvereinshaus
Concert for cello and pianoworks by Beethoven, Piazolla, Janacek
and from Roland Breitenfeld:
"Die Hand, die schreibt, schreibt nicht alles auf..", version for cello and piano
February 11, 2007, Hamburg,
Ev. Luther Kirche, Wellingsbüttel, Up de Worth
Zsigmond Szathmáry, organ
Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion
Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design
works by:
Daniel Peter Biro, Claude Lefebvre, Olaf Tzschoppe, Annette Schlünz and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Annunciazione" (2005), for organ, percussion and live-electronic, / after the picture with the same title by Leonardo da Vinci (1472-1475)
February 8, 2007, Bremen,
Bremer Dom St. Petri
Zsigmond Szathmáry, organ
Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion
Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design
works by:
Daniel Peter Biro, Gerald Eckert, Bernfried Pröve, Annette Schlünz and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Annunciazione" (2005), for organ, percussion and live-electronic, / after the picture with the same title by Leonardo da Vinci (1472-1475)
December 20, 2006, Freiburg, E-Werk
a profectio - concert
works by:
Cornelius Cardew, Alistair Zaldua, Mike Vaughan, Andreas H.H. Suberg, Mesias Maiguashca and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Halbe Zeiten", for trumpet, percussion and tape (2006)
and also
Hubertus Kirchgäßner (video) / Roland Breitenfeld (music): "Les couleurs du Midi no. 4 : Video von farbigen Schatten" (2006) world premiere
Ralph Mangelsdorff (counter-tenor), Christoph Kirschke (saxophones), Steve Altoft (trumpets), Lee Ferguson (percussion), Rei Nakamura (piano)
Alistair Zaldua (conductor)
Hubertus Kirchgäßner (video)
Andreas H.H. Suberg (electronic / video)
Mesias Maiguashca & Roland Breitenfeld: music information, electronic and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg)
concert direction: Roland Breitenfeld
December 2006, Portugal
October 15, 2006, Breisach, Spitalkirche
Concert for cello and pianoworks by Beethoven, Piazolla, Janacek
and from Roland Breitenfeld:
"Die Hand, die schreibt, schreibt nicht alles auf..", version for cello and piano
September 1 - 30th, 2006, Heyri (South-Korea),
Gallery MOA (Museum of Architectur);
compositions by Donoung Lee (and others)
and by Roland Breitenfeld "HEYRI MUSIC (2006)" tape-version (4-channels and stereo)
(percussions on the tape Olaf Tzschoppe: 2 Korean gongs, kokiriko, gopichand, thin sheet copper, sheet-guiro, 2 rains)
(world premiere)
May 21, 2006, Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider-Stiftung
"2. Freiburger Frühling" Festival für Neue Musik zum 20-jährigen Jubiläum des Ensemble Aventure FreiburgRoland Breitenfeld electronic and sound design in:
"DW 9" (2002) by Bernhard Lang
May 19, 2006, Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider-Stiftung
"2. Freiburger Frühling - Nacht der 1001 Uraufführungen"Roland Breitenfeld: "Les couleurs du Midi no. 3" (2006),
for flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, doublebass, percussion and tape (world premiere)
May 6, 2006, Freiburg, E-Werk
a profectio - concertworks by:
Younghi Pagh-Paan, David Revill, Uros Rojko, Mia Schmidt, Wolfgang Motz and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Light", for mezzo-soprano, bassflute, bassclarinet and live-electronic (2006) world premiere
Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano), Elizabeth Hirst (flutes), Martina Roth (flutes), Walter Ifrim (clarinets), Bärbel Libera (guitar), Cornelia Pellegrini (viola), Victoria Ifrim (percussion),
Alistair Zaldua (conductor),
Wolfgang Motz & Mia Schmidt (sound design),
Roland Breitenfeld: music information, electronic and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg)
April, 26, 2006, Magdeburg, theater magdeburg
in cooperation with the "Theaterakademie Hamburg""Werden wir die Arbeit los" / opera in 14 scenes by 14 composers
Scene 8: Roland Breitenfeld
Libretto: Sabine Kuhnert, Sebastian Ukena, Ralf Eger
Conductor: Jovan Mitic
Direction: Sabine Kuhnert, Sebastian Ukena, Ralf Eger
Stage: Iris Kraft
Costumes: Dorothee Neuling
Singers: Veronika Schreckenbach, Sabine Stolpe, Peter Diebschlag, Wolfgang Klose; N.N.
April 2, 2006, Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider-Stiftung
ensemble aventureRoland Breitenfeld electronic and sound design in:
"DW 9" (2002) by Bernhard Lang
February 3, 2006, Heidelberg, Theater der Stadt Heidelberg
Johannes Maria Staud: "Berenice" (Oper)
Libretto: Durs Grünbein
Conductor: Noam Zur
Direction: Christian Spuck
Stage and costumes: Emma Ryott
dramaturgy: Bernd Feuchtner
Hagen van der Lieth (actor), Aaron Judisch (bass-bariton), Maraile Lichdi (soprano), Alexander Peutz (actor), Carolyn Frank (mezzo-soprano)
Theatre and Philharmonic Orchestra,
electronic and sound design: Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Freiburg, Roland Breitenfeld
January 26, 2006, Stuttgart,
Ralph Mangelsdorff, countertenor
Steve Altoft, trumpet
Lee Forest Ferguson, percussion
Andreas H.H. Suberg, Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design
works by:
Andreas H.H. Suberg, Donald Bousted and
Roland Breitenfeld "Halbe Zeiten" (2005/2006), for trumpet, percussion and tape - world premiere
December 9 and 29, 2005, Heidelberg, Theater der Stadt Heidelberg
Johannes Maria Staud: "Berenice" (Oper)
Libretto: Durs Grünbein
Conductor: Noam Zur
Direction: Christian Spuck
Stage and costumes: Emma Ryott
dramaturgy: Bernd Feuchtner
Hagen van der Lieth (actor), Aaron Judisch (bass-bariton), Maraile Lichdi (soprano), Alexander Peutz (actor), Carolyn Frank (mezzo-soprano)
Theatre and Philharmonic Orchestra,
electronic and sound design: Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Freiburg, Roland Breitenfeld
November 28, 2005, Freiburg E-Werk
a profectio - concertworks by:
Donoung Lee, Mesias Maiguashca, Brian O'Reilly, Iannis Xenakis, Andreas H.H. Suberg and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Imaginäre Szene Nr. 3 >Persephone<", for alto, doublebass recorder, cello, 2 percussionists and live-electronic
after texts by Manfred Wiemer (with Goethe,Ovid, Homer) (2003/2005) (world premiere)
performed by
Susanne Otto (alto), Ingrid Breitenfeld, (doublebass recorder), Gaby Schumacher (cello), Victoria Ifrim and Johannes Fischer (percussion),
Alistair Zaldua (conductor),
Mesias Maiguashca and Roland Breitenfeld electronic and sound design (K.O.-studio Freiburg)
November 23, 2005, Feldkirch, Austria
Kapelle des Landeskonservatoriums
Zsigmond Szathmáry, organ
Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion
Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design
works by:
Gerald Eckert, Bernfried Pröve, Joao Rafael and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Annunciazione" (2005), for organ, percussion and live-electronic, / after the picture with the same title by Leonardo da Vinci (1472-1475)
November 5 / 8 / 13 and 19, 2005, Heidelberg, Theater der Stadt Heidelberg
Johannes Maria Staud: "Berenice" (Oper)
Libretto: Durs Grünbein
Conductor: Noam Zur
Direction: Christian Spuck
Stage and costumes: Emma Ryott
dramaturgy: Bernd Feuchtner
Hagen van der Lieth (actor), Aaron Judisch (bass-bariton), Maraile Lichdi (soprano), Alexander Peutz (actor), Carolyn Frank (mezzo-soprano)
Theatre and Philharmonic Orchestra,
electronic and sound design: Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Freiburg, Roland Breitenfeld
October 16, 2005, Donaueschingen
SWR Sinfonieorchester Freiburg and Baden-BadenOctober 14, 2005, Donaueschingen
SWR Sinfonieorchester Freiburg and Baden-BadenJuly 23, 2005, Freiburg, E-Werk
a profectio - concertWorks for voice, harp, flute, cello and live-electronic
works by:
David Revill, Andrew Digby, Wolfgang Motz, Mesias Maiguashca, Andreas H. H. Suberg, Mia Schmidt and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Engramm reagiert...", for flute and live-electronic (1987)
performed by Viola de Galgoczy (mezzo-soprano), Elizabeth Hirst (flute), Marina Paccagnella (harp), Gaby Schumacher (cello), Mesias Maiguashca and Roland Breitenfeld electronic and sound design (K.O.-studio Freiburg)
June 26, 2005, Freiburg, Faulerbad
composers slide quartettJune 13, 2005, Freiburg, Schloß Ebnet, Theodor-Egel-Saal
a profectio - concertWorks for flute, piano, tape and live-electronic
Works by:
Martin Tansek, Cheo-Ha Park, Ali Isciler, Alex Hofmann, Elisabeth Kaiser, Brigitta Muntendorf and
Roland Breitenfeld: "automats...", for computer (audio/video) and live-electronic (1991)
performed by: Rovena Nina (flute), Sebastian Berweck (piano)
electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld (K.O.-Studio Freiburg) and the composers of the works and Joachim Heintz
June 3, 2005, Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung
"Freiburger Frühling"
ensemble aventureMay 28, 2005, The Cantacuzino Palace Hall, Bucharest, Romania
"15th Week Of Contemporary Music"
Trio SurPlusMarch 21, 2005, Freiburg, Elisabeth Schneider Stiftung
ensemble aventureJanuary 23, 2005, Freiburg, Christuskirche
a profectio - concertZsigmond Szathmáry, organ
Olaf Tzschoppe, percussion
Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design
works by:
Karmella Tsepkolenko, Annette Schlünz, Gerald Eckert and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Annunciazione" (2005), for organ, percussion and live-electronic, / after the picture with the same title by Leonardo da Vinci (1472-1475) world-premiere
November 27, 2004, Offenburg, Salmensaal
"Offenburger Ensemble - 50th Concert in Offenburg"
Offenburger Ensemble "Picture-Concert"
Conductor: Gerhard Möhringer-Groß
Electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld, Ingrid Breitenfeld, Joao Pais
works by: Lyonel Feininger, Paul Dessau, Wilfried Hiller, Morton Feldman, Wolfgang Rihm and
Roland Breitenfeld "Blaues Licht", for 16 instruments with mezzo-soprano and live-electronic, world premiere
(after the picture with the same title by Martin Dittrich)
on Soundcloud click here
Pictures by: Lyonel Feininger, Pablo Picasso, Marc Chagall, Piet Mondrian, Franz Kline, Kurt Kocherscheidt, Martin Dittrich
"KlangWERK 04 das Festival, E-Werk Freiburg"
November 12, 2004, 19.30 h
opening of the exhibition: René Acht "Figur Haus"November 12, 2004, 20.30 h
a profectio - concert
Alistair Zaldua: "Horos",
for bassclarinet, doublebass and percussion (2001)
Andreas H. H. Suberg: "HAUS-Musik"
for 12 speakers (on tape), piano, electronic and diapositives (2003/04)
/ after the "Haus-Metaphern" by René Acht
Roland Breitenfeld: "Le Pouldu",
for mezzo-soprano, speaker, piano, percussion and live-electronic
/ after the poem with the same title by Peter Huchel (1999)
from: "Von Stimmen umwittert..."
November 13, 2004, 19.30 h
Ensemble SurPlus, conductor: James AveryNovember 13 2004, 21.30 Uhr
F-OrchestraNovember 14, 2004, 11.00 Uhr
C. M. Tunnell, I. EmeliantsevaSeptember 23 + 25, 2004, Berlin, Festspielhaus
"Berliner Festspiele"
Johannes Maria Staud: "Berenice" (Oper)
Libretto: Durs Grünbein
Coproduction of Münchner Biennale, Wiener Festspiele, Berliner Festspiele and Experimentelstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR-Broadcast Station Freiburg
Conductor: Stefan Asbury
Direction: Claus Guth
Stage and costumes: Christian Schmidt
Matthias Bundschuh (actor), Otto Katzameier (bassbariton), Dorothee Mields (soprano), Anne-Carolyn Schlüter (mezzosoprano), Klaus Haderer (actor), Eva Resch (soprano), Regine Mahn (alto), Markus Zapp (tenor), Winfried Hübner (actor), Monika Lichtenegger (mezzosoprano), Christina Landshamer (soprano), Manuel Warwitz (bariton), Manfred Bittner (bariton), Marcus Schmidl (bass)
Klangforum Wien,
electronic and sound design: Experimentalstudio Freiburg, Michael Acker, Roland Breitenfeld
September 10/11, 2004, Hamburg, Musikhalle
"Hamburger Musikfest"
Luigi Nono "Prometeo"
Ensemble Resonanze / Solistenchor Freiburg
Electronic and sound design:
Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Broadcast Station Freiburg:
André Richard, Reinhold Braig, Joachim Haas and Roland Breitenfeld (assistant)
(in coproduction with Amptown Verleih Hamburg)
August 2004, Auckland, New Zealand
Auckland Flute Society
Workschop and concert with Elizabeth Hirst (flute)
also with the composition "Faktor Nr. 1" for flute solo by Roland Breitenfeld
July 22, 2004, Heidelberg, Musik- und Singschule
Schola Heidelberg
Conductor: Walter Nußbaum
Electronic and sound design: Thomas A. Troge, Roland Breitenfeld
works by:
Luigi Nono, Peter Eötvös, Adriano Banchieri and
Roland Breitenfeld "Sand und Schaum" for 8 solovoices, 2 speakers and live-electronic
/ after the poeme with the same title by Khalil Gibran
June 20, 2004, Freiburg, Konzerthaus
SWR Orchestra - chamberconcerts
works by:
Martinu, Dvorak and
Mesias Maiguashca "11x11" for pianoquartett & live-electronic
May 22/23, 2004, Wien, Ronacher
"Wiener Festwochen"
Johannes Maria Staud: "Berenice" (Oper)
Libretto: Durs Grünbein
Coporoduction of Münchner Biennale, Wiener Festspiele, Berliner Festspiele and Experimentelstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR-Broadcast Station Freiburg
Conductor: Stefan Asbury
Direction: Claus Guth
Stage and costumes: Christian Schmidt
Matthias Bundschuh (actor), Otto Katzameier (bassbariton), Dorothee Mields (soprano), Anne-Carolyn Schlüter (mezzosoprano), Klaus Haderer (actor), Eva Resch (soprano), Regine Mahn (alto), Markus Zapp (tenor), Winfried Hübner (actor), Monika Lichtenegger (mezzosoprano), Christina Landshamer (soprano), Manuel Warwitz (bariton), Manfred Bittner (bariton), Marcus Schmidl (bass)
Klangforum Wien,
electronic and sound design: Experimentalstudio Freiburg, Michael Acker, Roland Breitenfeld
May 16, 2004, Wiesbaden, Foyer, Staatsoper
"International Maifestspiele"
"Ensemble Aventure"
Conductor: Christian Hommel
Electronic and sound design: Volker Böhm, Roland Breitenfeld
works by:
Julian Ponton, Mesias Maiguashca, Thomas Kessler, Gerald Eckert und
Roland Breitenfeld "ganz nah eine stimme", for flute, oboe, clarinet, piano, tape and live-electronic
May 14, 2004, Freiburg
20 Uhr, Elisabeth-Schneider Stiftung
"Ensemble Aventure"
Conducto: Christian Hommel
Electronic and sound design: Volker Böhm, Roland Breitenfeld
works by:
Julian Ponton, Mesias Maiguashca, Thomas Kessler, Gerald Eckert und
Roland Breitenfeld "ganz nah eine stimme", for flute, oboe, clarinet, piano, tape and live-electronic
May 13, 2004, Halle / Saale
Schola Heidelberg
Conductor: Walter Nußbaum
Electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
Salvatore Sciarrino: "Cantare con silenzio"
May 11, 2004, Heidelberg
20 Uhr, Alte Universität, Alte Aula
Schola Heidelberg
Conductor: Walter Nußbaum
Electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld & Alvise Vidolin
Salvatore Sciarrino: "Cantare con silenzio"
May 3-5, 2004, Bucharest, Romania
ACOUSMANIA - The International Festival of Electronic and Computer Music
(Third Edition) / Artistic Directors: Iancu Dumitrescu / Ana-Maria Avram
second concert, May 4, 2004, Bukarest, Concert Hall "Alfred Alessandrescu"
u.a.: Roland Breitenfeld: "oteth", for metalobjects and electronic
with: Raluca Ghideanu & Maria Pop (visual art performance) (world premiere)
February 2, 2004, Tübingen
Pfleghofsaal, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut
Ancuza APRODU, piano (Paris)
Thierry MIROGLIO, percussion (Paris)
works by:
Maurice OHANA, Horst LOHSE, Francis MIROGLIO, Eric CHASALOW, Ernst Helmut FLAMMER, Daniel TERUGGI
and from Roland Breitenfeld: "In den stachligen Grannen... / nach dem Gedicht >Friede<" for piano and percussion
from the cycle
"Von Stimmen umwittert... / Liederzyklus nach Gedichten von Peter Huchel"
February 1, 2004, Biberach an der Riß
20 Uhr, Otto-Frei-Musikschule
Ancuza APRODU, piano (Paris)
Thierry MIROGLIO, percussion (Paris)
works by:
Maurice OHANA, Horst LOHSE, Francis MIROGLIO, Eric CHASALOW, Ernst Helmut FLAMMER, Daniel TERUGGI
and from Roland Breitenfeld: "In den stachligen Grannen... / nach dem Gedicht >Friede<" for piano and percussion
from the cycle
"Von Stimmen umwittert... / Liederzyklus nach Gedichten von Peter Huchel"
January 30, 2004, Dresden
Hochschule für Musik, Aula, Wettiner Platz
Ancuza APRODU, piano (Paris)
Thierry MIROGLIO, percussion (Paris)
works by:
Maurice OHANA, Horst LOHSE, Francis MIROGLIO, Eric CHASALOW, Ernst Helmut FLAMMER, Daniel TERUGGI
and from Roland Breitenfeld: "In den stachligen Grannen... / nach dem Gedicht >Friede<" for piano and percussion
from the cycle
"Von Stimmen umwittert... / Liederzyklus nach Gedichten von Peter Huchel"
January 30, 2004, Ravensburg
Festsaal im ehemaligen Kloster Weißenau
Forum of the componists of Baden-Württemberg
ensemble "gelberklang"
from Roland Breitenfeld: "aufgelöst...für Horn"
viola: Axel Porath
horn: Lorenz Paciani
January 27, 2004, Freiburg
E-Werk Hallen für Kunst
Ancuza APRODU, piano (Paris)
Thierry MIROGLIO, percussion (Paris)
works by:
Maurice OHANA, Horst LOHSE, Francis MIROGLIO, Eric CHASALOW, Ernst Helmut FLAMMER, Daniel TERUGGI
and from Roland Breitenfeld: "In den stachligen Grannen... / nach dem Gedicht >Friede<" for piano and percussion
from the cycle
"Von Stimmen umwittert... / Liederzyklus nach Gedichten von Peter Huchel"
January 26, 2004, Heilbronn
Städtische Museen
Ancuza APRODU, piano (Paris)
Thierry MIROGLIO, percussion (Paris)
works by:
Maurice OHANA, Horst LOHSE, Francis MIROGLIO, Eric CHASALOW, Ernst Helmut FLAMMER, Daniel TERUGGI
and from Roland Breitenfeld: "In den stachligen Grannen... / nach dem Gedicht >Friede<" for piano and percussion
from the cycle
"Von Stimmen umwittert... / Liederzyklus nach Gedichten von Peter Huchel"
January 17 2004, Berlin
"Ultra-Schall, das Festival für neue Musik"
Schola Heidelberg
J. Marc Reichow, piano
Conductor: Walter Nußbaum
Electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
works by:
Gerard Grisey "Les chants de l'amour"
Luigi Nono "...sofferte onde serene..."
January 15, 2004, Heidelberg
Schola Heidelberg
J. Marc Reichow,piano
Conductor: Walter Nußbaum
Electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
works by:
Gerard Grisey "Les chants de l'amour"
Luigi Nono "...sofferte onde serene..."
December 13, 2003, Lahr, Stiftsschaffneikeller
Alois Müller - accordion
Thomas Wagner - trompone / tuba
Roland Breitenfeld, Mesias Maiguashca - Electronic and sound design
works by:
Luigi Nono: "Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 - per Donau", for tuba and live-electronic
Klaus Huber: "Ein Hauch von Unzeit VI", version for accordion solo
Mesias Maiguashca: "Lindgren : eine Invention zu zwei Stimmen", version for trombone and tape
Roland Breitenfeld: "Einblick II", version for trombone, accorieon and live-electronic (2003) world premiere
Steffen Schleiermacher: "Atem Los", for trombone and accordion
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba
December 2, 2003, Freiburg, Schloßpark Ebnet
profectio - concert: K.O.-Studio Freiburg
"Musikalische Szene in Computerumgebung"
Mesias Maiguashca: "K.O.-Tagebücher", for 2 celli, 2 percussion players and computer (2003) world premiere
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic (2002)
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba (2002)
Roland Breitenfeld: "Einblick II", version for trombone, cello and live-electronic (2003)
trombone, tuba: Thomas Wagner
Percussion: Olaf Tzschoppe, Yasuko Miyamoto
celli: Gaby Schumacher, Markus Tillier
conductor: Alistair Zaldua
electronic and sound design: Mesias Maiguashca & Roland Breitenfeld, K.O.-Studio Freiburg
November 12, 2003, Tübingen, Im Pfleghof
Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Tübingen
Forum of componists Baden-Württemberg
Ensemble "gelberklang"
from Roland Breitenfeld: "aufgelöst...für Horn"
viola: Axel Porath
horn: Lorenz Paciani
November 11, 2003, Schloss Weikersheim
Forum of componists Baden-Württemberg
Ensemble "gelberklang"
from Roland Breitenfeld: "aufgelöst...für Horn"
viola: Axel Porath
horn: Lorenz Paciani
November 1, 2003, Endingen, Weingut Knab, 20.00 Uhr
November 2, 2003, Endingen, Weingut Knab, 11.00 Uhr
concerts in the hall and in wine-cellar with a exhibition with pictures by Regina Rinker
Thomas Wagner - trombone / tuba
Roland Breitenfeld - electronic and sound design
works by:
Thomas Wagner: "Burgundersounds #1", for trombone solo and tape
Roland Breitenfeld: "oteth", for tape (metallobjects and electronic)
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic
Thomas Wagner: "Burgundersounds #2", for trombone solo and tape
Tim Souster: "Heavy Reductions", for tuba and tape
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba
Roland Breitenfeld: "Steine 98" (stone-sculptures by Kubach/Wilmsen and Kubach+Kropp and electronic)
August 24, 2003, Edinburgh (Scotland)
"Edinburgh Festival"
Bamberger Symphoniker
Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design in:
Helmut Lachenmann "NUN", Music for flute, trombone and orchestra
(rev. version 2002)
July 12, 2003, Merdingen, Kunsthalle "Zehntscheuer"
Thomas Wagner - trombone / tuba
Roland Breitenfeld - electronic and sound design
works by:
Luigi Nono: "Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 - per Donau", for tuba and live-electronic
Roland Breitenfeld: "oteth", for tape (metallobjects and elektronic / metallobjects by Ernst Thomann)
Melvyn Poore: "one, two, three", for trombone and delays
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic
Martin Smolka: "Like those Nicéan Barks of Yore", for trombone & live-electronic
Tim Souster: "Heavy Reductions", for tuba and tape
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba
Roland Breitenfeld: "Steine 98" (stone-sculptures by Kubach/Wilmsen and Kubach+Kropp and electronic)
June 29, 2003, Freiburg
profectio - Konzert: Stringinstruments and live-electronic
E-Werk Hallen für Kunst, Freiburg
works by:
Roland Breitenfeld: "Zeitläuf(t)e", for stringquartet & live-electronic (2003) world premiere
Mia Schmidt: "Αïσα σομι", for cello and tape (2002) world premiere
Alan Hilario: "kibô" ("Bewegung nach Stille"), for violin solo (1997)
Roland Breitenfeld: "HM98", for violin, 8-channel tape and live-electronic (1998)
Mesias Maiguashca: "11*11", for stringtrio, piano and electronic (2003) world premiere
Wolfgang Greser, violin
Dorothea Jügelt, violin
Anette Schmidt, viola
Gaby Schumacher, cello
Franziska Stadler, piano
Alistair Zaldua, violin (in Hilario) and conductor
Mesias Maiguashca & Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design (K.O.-Studio Freiburg)
June 8, 2003, Freiburg, Faulerbad
Thomas Wagner - trombone / tuba
Roland Breitenfeld - electronic and sound design
works by:
Luigi Nono: "Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 - per Donau", for tuba and live-electronic
Roland Breitenfeld: "oteth", for tape (metallobjects and electronic)
Melvyn Poore: "one, two, three", for trompboe and delays
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronicon YouTube click here
Martin Smolka: "Like those Nicéan Barks of Yore", for trombone and live-electronic
Tim Souster: "Heavy Reductions", for tuba and tape
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba
May 31, 2003, Endingen, Weingut Knab
concert in the hall and in the wine-cellar with an exhibition of pictures by Dirk Sommer
works by:
Luigi Nono: "Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 - per Donau", for tuba and live-electronic
Roland Breitenfeld: "oteth", for tape (metallobjects and elektronic; metallobjects by Ernst Thomann)
Melvyn Poore: "one, two, three", for trombone and delays
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic
Martin Smolka: "Like those Nicéan Barks of Yore", for trombone & live-electronic
Tim Souster: "Heavy Reductions", for tuba and tape
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba
Roland Breitenfeld: "Metall 98" (metall-skulptures by Michel Saur and electronic)
Thomas Wagner - trombone / tuba
Roland Breitenfeld - electronic and sound design
May 12, 2003, Wien, Saal des polycolleg (Stöbergasse 11-15), Austria
works by:
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic (2002)
Roland Breitenfeld: "Einblick II" : version for cello, trombone and live-electronic (2003) world premiere
Roland Breitenfeld: "Stones of Tranquility", for tape (stone-skulptures and electronic) (2002)
Mesias Maiguashca: "Traum I" (video/audio)
Mesias Maiguashca: "The Spirit Catcher", for cello and electronic
Mesias Maiguashca: "Traum II" (video/audio)
Mesias Maiguashca: "The Tonal", for sound-object and electronic
Gaby Schumacher, cello
Thomas Wagner, trombone
Roland Breitenfeld & Mesias Maiguashca, electronic and sound design
May 6, 2003, Leipzig, mdr, Augustusplatz
"Sende(r)musik" eine Konzertreihe von Thomas Chr. Heyde
from Roland Breitenfeld: "Aus Federn rinnen weiße Tinten...": Reflexe für einen Schlagzeuger / nach einem Text von Manfred Wiemer
percussion: Stefan Stopora
April 27, 2003, Weimar, mon ami, 16.00 Uhr
4. Weimarer Frühjahrstage für zeitgenössische Musik
Konzert klangwerkstatt weimar
from Roland Breitenfeld: "Die Hand, die schreibt, schreibt nicht alles auf...", for cello and piano
March/April 2003, Novosibirsk, Russia, Radio Penguin
Radio Penguin / Sergej Tikhanoff transmitted the compositions by Roland Breitenfeld:
"... it will be in peace" (texts: Debra Ann Loughrey / Manfred Wiemer)
"Stones of Tranquility"
"...ganz nah eine stimme"
"Moments of Darkness"
March 29, 2003, Offenburg, Salmensaal
Thomas Wagner - trombone / tuba
Peter Stöhr, flute
Roland Breitenfeld - electronic and sound design
works by:
Luigi Nono: "Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 - per Donau", for tuba and live-electronic
Younghi Pagh-Pann: "Dreisam-Nore", for flute solo
Melvyn Poore: "one, two, three", for trombone and delays
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic
Martin Smolka: "Like those Nicéan Barks of Yore", for trombone & live-electronic
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba
March 22, 2003, Endingen, Kornhalle "Zehntscheuer"
Thomas Wagner - trombone / tuba
Roland Breitenfeld - electronic and sound design
works by:
Luigi Nono: "Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 - per Donau", for tuba and live-electronic
Roland Breitenfeld: "oteth", for tape (metallobjects and electronic; metallobjects by Ernst Thomann)
Melvyn Poore: "one, two, three", for trombone and delays
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness", for bass-trombone & live-electronic
Martin Smolka: "Like those Nicéan Barks of Yore", for trombone & live-electronic
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba", for space-acoustic tuba
February 9, 2003, Stuttgart
"Eclat Festival"
works by:
Helmut Lachenmann: "Nun" und
George Lopez: "Landscapes with Martyrodom"
News Archives.
Please note that there might be short-term date shifts.
With best regards - Roland Breitenfeld
For more information please follow the ...
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