December 10, 2002, Freiburg, E-Werk
"4 x 50 years new music in Freiburg and Baden-Württemberg
Concert to the 50th birthdays of the composers of Freiburg
Mia Schmidt, Igor Majcen, Wolfgang Motz and Roland Breitenfeld"
co-production of
profectio-initiative freiburg,
leader Roland Breitenfeld and
SurPlus, leader James Avery
Ensemble SurPlus: Martina Roth (flute), Peter Veale (oboe), Erich Wagner (clarinet), Andreas Stark (saxophon / clarinet), Oscar Garrido de la Rosa (fagot), Victoria Tafferner (horn), Bernhard Ostertag (trumpet), Andreas Roth (trombone), Marina Paccagnella (harp), Olaf Tzschoppe (percussion), Yasuko Miyamoto (percussion), Stefan Häussler (violin), Fabian Wettstein (violin), Bodo Friedrich (viola), Beverley Ellis (cello), Sven Kestel (double-bass),
conductor: James Avery
dancers: Emma-Louise Jordan und Hideto Heshiki
technique: K.O.-Studio Freiburg
sound design: Mia Schmidt, Roland Breitenfeld
(Roland Breitenfeld: "EINBLICK I", for 13 instrumentalists)
on YouTube click here
November 30, 2002, Dresden, Kulturrathaus (Königstrasse)
Matthias Lorenz, cello
Stefan Eder, piano
works by Cornelius Schwehr, Karl-Wieland Kurz, Ludwig van Beethoven
and by Roland Breitenfeld: "Die Hand, die schreibt, schreibt nicht alles auf" - version for cello and piano (world premiere)
/ after a text by David Rokeah
November 10, 2002, Wien, Konzerthaus
SWR Sinfonieorchester, conductor: Heinz Holliger
Roland Breitenfeld: sound design in "Gesänge der Frühe" by Heinz Holliger
November 9, 2002, Heidelberg
SWR Sinfonieorchester, conductor: Heinz Holliger
Roland Breitenfeld: sound design in "Gesänge der Frühe" by Heinz Holliger
October 26, 2002, Paris, Maison de Radio France
SWR Sinfonieorchester, conductor: Sylvain Cambreling
Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Freiburg, sound design: Michael Acker, Joachim Haas & Roland Breitenfeld in: "DW7" by Bernhard Lang
October 18-20, 2002, Donaueschinger Musiktage
SWR Sinfonieorchester, conductor: Sylvain Cambreling
Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Freiburg, sound design: Michael Acker, Joachim Haas & Roland Breitenfeld in: "DW7" by Bernhard Lang, "Maim Zarim, Maim Gnuvim (strange water, stolen water)" by Chaya Czernowin and "Die Seele muß vom Reittier steigen..." by Klaus Huber
soloists: Seth Josel (e-guitar), Peter Veale (oboe/musette/cor anglais), Mary Oliver (viola), Rico Gubler (Sax./Tubax), John Mark Harris (piano/harpsichord), Kai Wessel (countertenor), Max Engle (baryton), Walter Grimmer (cello)
October 10, 2002, Dresden, Festspielhaus Hellerau
16. Dresdner Tage der zeitgenössischen Musik >Musik global<
u.a. mit Livia Kubach und Michael Kropp und ihren Klangskulpturen
***** Fragen Sie bitte dort nach dem Katalog "Stones of Tranquility" von Livia Kubach & Michael Kropp.
Er enthält eine CD mit zwei Kompositionen von Roland Breitenfeld: "STEINE 98" (1998) und "STONES OF TRANQUILITY" (2002) für Steinskulpturen und Elektronik. *****
September 23, 2002, Freiburg, K.O.-Studio, Kronenmattenstr. 3, 09.30 Uhr
Volkshochschule Nördlicher Breisgau
"Kultur am Vormittag" unter Leitung von Helga Reibold (Anmeldung: Tel. 07641/92 25 25)
(nur für Kursteilnehmer)
"Von Stimmen umwittert" Kompositionen nach Gedichten von Peter Huchel
Vortrag von Roland Breitenfeld über die Entstehung seines Liederzyklus gleichnamigen Titels
July 1-5, 2002, Quito, Ecuador
"8 Festival Ecuatoriano De Musica Contemporanea"
July 3, 2002, Quito, Auditorio Las Cámaras:
works by Pablo Freire, Arturo Rodas, Ricardo dal Farra, Leonardo Cárdenas, Marcelo Ruano, Julián Pontón and
Roland Breitenfeld: "HM98", for violin, 8-channel tape and live-electronic
(violin: Tadashi Maeda, Japan; technic: Ramiro Costa, Pablo Guaman; sound design: Roland Breitenfeld)
July 5 2002, Quito, Teatro Politecnico
works by: Leonardo Cárdenas, Arturo Rodas, Adina Izarra, Graciela Agudelo and
Roland Breitenfeld: "EINBLICK I", for 13 instrumentalists
(Orquesta Sinfonica Nacional del Ecuador, conductor: Andrei Vasileusky)
July 1 - 5, 2002, Quito, Conservatorio Nacional de Musica
Roland Breitenfeld: seminaries about compositions with MAX/MSP and about the compositions "Imaginäre Szene Nr. 2" by Roland Breitenfeld, "The Nagual" by Mesias Maiguashca and
"Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 -per Donau" by Luigi Nono)
June 27, 2002. mdr (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk "Das Neue Werk")
broadcast transmitting of compositions by Roland Breitenfeld
" will be in peace", for soprano, trombone, percussion, tape & live-electronic
after texts by Manfred Wiemer (Dresden) and by Debra Ann Loughrey (Vancouver)
(musiciens: Angelina Soller, soprano; Andrew Digby, trombone; Konstanze Stiebler, percussion;
Carmen Maria Cârneci, conductor; Roland Breitenfeld, electronic & sound design)
June 16, 2002, Weikersheim, Schloß
concert of the Ensembles AVENTURE Freiburg
(Roland Breitenfeld / K.O.-Studio Freiburg: electronic and sound design in "Resurection" by Volker Hein)
May 5, 2002, München, Gasteig
May 6, 2002, Tübingen, Pfleghofsaal, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut
Concerts of the Janus Ensemble Karlsruhe and Christina Ascher
Christina Ascher (alto), Dirk Peppel (flute), Judith Sauer (violin), Thomas Gieron (cello), Nils Tannert (percussion), Carlos Roggan (piano)Roland Breitenfeld / K.O.-studio Freiburg: electronic and sound design in "La noche cíclica" by Mesias Maiguashca
April 20, 2002, Breisach, Radbrunnen
Thomas Wagner - trombone / tuba
Roland Breitenfeld - sound design
works by:
Luigi Nono: "Post-Prae-Ludium Nr. 1 - per Donau", for tuba and live-electronic
Roland Breitenfeld: "oteth" for tape (metallobjects and electronic)
Melvyn Poore: "one, two, three", for trombone and delays
Roland Breitenfeld: "Moments of Darkness" for bass-trombone & live-electronic (world premiere)
John Cage: Solo for Sliding Trombone
Thomas Wagner: "Space Tuba" for space-acoustic tuba (world premiere)
April 11, 2002, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA
"Livia Kubach & Michael Kropp: Stones of Tranquility / Steine der Stille". - Chiaroscuro, a Gallery for Contemporary Art & Photography. - Bad Münster am Stein: Livia Kubach und Michael Kropp, © 2002, 40 S., zahlr. Abb. + 1 CD. - ISBN 3-925521-85-2.
"Stones of Tranquility / Steine der Stille : KUBACH & KROPP Stone sculptures - ROLAND BREITENFELD Music and Composition"
3.-25. "Examples of Sound" [of the stone sculptures] (20:45)
[you can order the catalogue:
price (incl. cd): ca. 14 Euro + Versand.
(or over Roland Breitenfeld)
see also:]February 25, 2002, Freiburg, E-Werk
Feburary 23, 2002, Gutenzell, Haus der ehemaligen Kolonialwarenhandlung
concert with works by Roland Breitenfeld
oboe: Bettina Crimmins; clarinet: Andrea Nagy; violin: Cornelius Bauer; stonesculptures: Livia Kubach & Michael Kropp; electronic & sound design: Roland Breitenfeld / K.O.-Studio Freiburg
February 17, 2002, Konzerthaus Freiburg
concert of the SWR Studio Freiburg,
concert with works by Mesias Maiguashca "Reading Castagneda"
(Roland Breitenfeld / K.O.-Studio Freiburg: electronic and sound design)
December 13, 2001, mdr (Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk "Das Neue Werk")
"Von Stimmen umwittert... : Komponistenporträt Roland Breitenfeld",
author of the broadcast transmission: Andreas Fervers
November 14, 2001, Musikhochschule Freiburg
profectio-initiative freiburg
profectio-concert: "HARPSICHORD LIVE :new works for harpsichord and live-electronic"
works by: Roland Breitenfeld, Thomas Lauck, Ludmila Yurina, Carmen Maria Cârneci, Kaija Saariaho, Junghae Lee.
harpsichord: Su-Kyung Chung, Vital Frey, Slobodan Jovanovic, Mami Kurumada,
Ricardo Magnus, Ieva Saliete;
rehearsels: Robert Hill;
violin: Cornelius Bauer, Juliane Brandes, Marie Desgoutte, Margaret
viola: Mathias Fischer, Kathrin Haupenthal;
cello: Dan Cavassi, Gaby Schumacher;
conductor: Carmen Maria Cârneci;
electronic-assistent: Alberto Bernal, Andreas Maier, Junghae Lee;
electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld (K.O.-Studio Freiburg)
concert leader: Roland Breitenfeld and Robert Hill
works by Roland Breitenfeld: "KATHARINA-KANON", for harpsichord, violin, viola & live-Electronic (version 2001) world premiere;
"EINBLICK III"; for harpsichord, 4 violins, 2 violas, cello & live-electronic (version 2001) world premiere
on YouTube click here
November 7, 2001, Basel, Paul-Sacher-Halle
concert of the Ensemble AVENTURE Freiburg
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design in works by Karin Haußmann and Helmut Oehring/Iris ter Schiphorst
November 6, 2001, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung Freiburg
concert of the Ensemble AVENTURE Freiburg
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design in a work by Karin Haußmann
October 18/19 2001, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Schlag auf Schlag - "2. Dreiländer-Schlagzeugfestival"
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design
in works by:October 5, 2001, Freiburg, SWR Studio Freiburg
faszination musik "Repetitions Three"
Bernhard Lang: "Differenz / Wiederholung 2"Jenny Renate Wicke (voice), Rizger Koshnaw (voice), Todd (rap-voice),Dimitri Polisoidis (electric-violin), Robert Lepenik (electric-guitar)
ensemble Aventure
conductor: Christian Hommel
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design
September 13, 2001, Ravensburg, Schwörsaal im Waaghaus
Duo Flute / Percussion
Carin Levine, Christian Dierstein
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design in "The Stories" by Laurie Schwartz
June 30, 2001, Elisabeth-Schneider-Stiftung Freiburg
concert of the Ensemble AVENTURE Freiburg
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design in works by Michael Hirsch and Uwe Rasch
June 3/4, 2001, Rheinsberg
"Festtage der Neuen Musik 2001"
Paul-Heinz Dittrich "Zerbrochene Bilder" / scenic music after texts by Heiner Müller, Edgar Allan Poe and Paul Celan
"Verkommenes Ufer", "Medeamaterial", "Landschaft mit Argonauten"
May 24, 2001, Gutenzell, Konzert in der ehemaligen Kolonialwarenhandlung
May 22, 2001, Heilbronn, Städtische Museen
May 21, 2001, Freiburg, E-Werk
Concerts of the Janus Ensemble Karlsruhe and Christina Ascher
Christina Ascher (alto), Pirmin Grehl (flute), Judith Sauer (violin), Isabel Martin (cello), Nils Tannert (percussion), Carlos Roggan (piano)Roland Breitenfeld / K.O.-studio Freiburg: electronic and sound design in "La noche cíclica" by Mesias Maiguashca
April 27, 2001, Donaueschingen, Fürstenberg-Gymnasium
Duo Flute / Percussion
Carin Levine, Christian Dierstein
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design in "The Stories" by Laurie Schwartz (world-premiere)
31. März 2001, Breisach, Radbrunnen
compositions for horn, trombone, tuba, percussion and electronic
Christoph Scherzinger (horn), Thomas Wagner (trombone), Martin Baumgartner (tuba), Victoria Ifrim (percussion)
Roland Breitenfeld: electronic and sound design in "Ryoanji" by John Cage
August 25/26, 2000 Bochum, Jahrhunderthalle
August 31, 2000 Berlin, Philharmonie
Luigi Nono "Prometeo"
Kaya Han (piano)
Isao Nakamura (percussion)
Orangerie Darmstadt
May 17, 2000 Freiburg, Musikhochschule, Concerthall
"Das Schlagzeugkonzert"
April 8, 2000, Freiburg, E-Werk, Pfeilerhalle
Ulrich Krieger (sax, didgeridoo, e-guitar):
electronic and sound design: Attila Czyriak, Roland Breitenfeld
March 25, 2000, Stuttgart/Baden-Baden, SWR 2
Feature: "Die Sternenreuse über dem Zelt von Tumilat"
Roland Breitenfeld:
cycle of songs after poems by Peter Huchel
February 4, 2000, Freiburg, SWR Funkhaus, Schloßbergsaal
"Faszination Musik"
Roland Breitenfeld: "Von Stimmen umwittert..."
cycle of songs after poems by Peter Huchel (part 1)(1999/2000) UA:
"Le Pouldu",
for mezzo-soprano, speaker, percussion, piano and live-electronic
/ after the poem with the same title
"In den stachligen Grannen...",
for percussion and piano
/ after the poem "Friede"
"Das Testament gestürzter Tannen",
for flute, cello, piano and Live-Elektronik
/ after the poem "Traum im Tellereisen"
"Die Sternenreuse",
for mezzo-soprano, speaker, flute, cello and live-electronic
/ after the poem with the same title
(order for composition of the SWR Baden-Baden / Freiburg)
December 15, 1999 Freiburg, E-Werk
ensemble surPlus
conductor: James Avery
Mesias Maigushca "El Tiempo"
electronic and sound design: Attila Czyriak, Roland Breitenfeld
November 24, 1999 Freiburg, Musikhochschule, Konzertsaal
Ensemble Intercontemporain, Paris
Yan Maresz: "Metallics"
electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
November/December 1999, Bcharri, Libanon, Gibran-Museum
the compositions by Roland Breitenfeld:
"Deine Kinder sind nicht deine Kinder" / text: Khalil Gibran,
"Sand und Schaum" / text: Khalil Gibran und
"integer punctum"
will play often since this time from cd in the Gibran-Museum of Bcharri, Libanon
(with thanks to Mr and Mrs Riedel, Waldkirch and
Mr and Mrs Ursula Assaf and Simon Yussuf Assaf, Beirut, Libanon
- translators of works by Khalil Gibran.)
October 25, 1999, Heilbronn, Städtische Museen
27. Oktober 1999 Freiburg, E-Werk, Pfeilerhalle
UPIC, Paris:
works by Gérard Pape, Ernst Helmut Flammer and
Roland Breitenfeld: "W..."
viola: Mauricio Barbetti
electronic and sound design: Attila Czyriak, Roland Breitenfeld
May 15, 1999, Deutschlandfunk Köln
"Roland Breitenfeld - a portrait"
autor of the transmitting Andreas Fervers
(also with some compositions by Roland Breitenfeld)
May 5, 1999, Quito, Ecuador,
Asociacion Humboldt (Leitung Andrea Stark)
Concert with works by:
Roland Breitenfeld / Donoung Lee: "Illusion",
Roland Breitenfeld: "From the letter"
Mesias Maiguashca: "A Mandelbox"
violin: Tadashi Maeda
electronic, video and sound design: Silvius Breitenfeld
April 24, 1999, Baden-Baden, SWR 2
Feature by Thomas Lehner about Käthe Vordtriede
music: Roland Breitenfeld: "Musik zu Briefen Käthe Vordtriedes",
for violin and elektronic (1999) UA
violin: Melise Mellinger
electronic: Roland Breitenfeld
cutter: Friedlinde Beetz
March 28, 1999, Freiburg, Bundschuhhalle
"chamberconcert with electronic music"
works by: Donoung Lee "Klangszene",
Carmen Maria Cârneci "....que des mots",
Martin Bergande "n; von fern nah",
Andrew Digby "degr s"(world-premiere),
Roland Breitenfeld " will be in peace" (texts by: Debra Ann Loughrey / Manfred Wiemer)
Angelina Soller (soprano), Andrew Digby (trompbon), Yuko Suzuki (percussion), Margaret MacDuffie (violin), Mathias Fischer (viola), Dan Cavassi (cello)
conductor: Carmen Maria Cârneci
electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
March 6, 1999, Baden-Baden, SWR 2
Feature "Literat, Legionär und Lebemann Ernst Friedrich Löhndorff, der duetsche Jack London" text by Hubert Matt-Willmatt
music a.o.:
Roland Breitenfeld: "Kesho", for sho & live-electronic (1999) world-premiere
sho: Ingrid Breitenfeld
electronic: Roland Breitenfeld
cutter: Friedlinde Beetz
January 31, 1999 Museum für Neue Kunst, Freiburg
Sophie Mayuko Vetter and Slobodan Jovanovic are dancing
to a picture (o.T.) by Lothar Quinte
to the composition "W....." by Roland Breitenfeld
sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
on YouTube click here
December 5, 1998 Seoul, Südkorea
The 5fth Computer Music Festival in Seoul
Works by
November 28, 1998 - February 28, 1999, Freiburg, Museum für Neue Kunst
"Tonspur" - a multimediaproject of the Museums for Modern Art
September 25, 1998, Parma, Italien, Teatro Farnese
Rassegna Internazionale di Musica Moderna e Contemporanea
"LUIGI NONO - Portait"
"Omaggio a György Kutag",
"A Pierre. Dell'azzurro silenzio, inquietum",
"Guai ai gelidi mostri"
Ensemble recherche
Susanne Otto, Noa Frenkel (alto)
André Richard, conductort
electronic and sound design:
Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Freiburg:
Roland Breitenfeld, sound design
Rudolf Strauß, soundingenieur, Bernd Noll, technique
August 25/26/27, 1998 Akiyoshidai, Japan
The 10th Akiyoshiday International Contemporary
Music Seminar & Festival
Luigi Nono "Prometeo"
August 24, 1998, SWF 1
"Morgen oder Abend"
August 10, 1998, SWF 1
"Krieger 01"
July 3, 1998, Berlin, Gründerzeitmuseum
"Die lange Nacht der elektronischen Klänge"
Klanglandschaft "FREIBURG"
studio for electronique music of the Institut for New Music of the Musikhochschule Freiburg
Leader: Mesias Maiguashca
works by: Mesias Maiguashca, Alan Hilario, Pyong-Ahn Eun, Anette Schmucki, Alistair Zaldua
Karin Schweigart (bassflute), Sascha Armbruster (saxophon), Andrew Digby (trombone), Lee Ferguson, Norbert Uhl (SoundObject),Mesias Maiguashca and Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
December 29, 1997, SWF 1:
"Café Finsternis - a radio-play"
- after the live-performance from December 11 - 13, in the Heinrich-Strobel-Hall of the Experimentalstudio of the SWF Freiburg in cooperation with the SWF-broadcaststudio Freiburg and the Association for Blind Mens / Blind Womens and Art
music by Roland Breitenfeld
December 14, 1997, Freiburg, SWF Studio, Foyer
concert-version of the
fantasy radio-play "Der Königssohn vom Schwarzwald"
Markus Weiss (saxophone), Andrew Digby (trombone), Florence Sitruck (harp), Christian Dierstein (percussion)
Friedlinde Beetz, Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
Dezember 11 - 13, 1997, Freiburg, SWF Landesstudio, in the Heinrich-Strobel-Hall of the Experimentalstudios:
"Café Finsternis (Café Darkness)"
- a multimediaproject in co-operation with the SWF-broadcaststudio Freiburg and the Association for Blind Mens / Blind Womens and Art
Roland Breitenfeld: "interactiv sound-table" (for touch) - 6x2 meters, 8-channels
November 27, 1997, SWF 1
"Soharas Reise"
November 14, 1997, Basel, Sudhaus
Tage für Live-Elektronik
Retrospektive der 70-er Jahre
works by: Mesias Maiguashca, John Chowning, Paul-Heinz Dittrich, York HöllerEnsemble Basel, Roland Breitenfeld (synthesizer)
October 12, 1997, Offenburg, Schillersaal
October 5, 1997, Freiburg, E-Werk Hallen für Kunst
profectio: VOKALPROJEKT 1997
works by: Mesias Maiguashca, Younghi-Pagh-Paan, John Christie Willot, Carmen Maria Cârneci and
Roland Breitenfeld:
Sibylle Schaible, Monika Wiech (soprano), Viola de Galgoczy, Susanne Otto (alto), Thomas Gremmelspacher, Victor Alonso (tenor), Philipp Heizmann, Oliver Haux (bass). Susanne Dröge, Thomas Vollmer (speaker)
conductor: Carmen Maria Cârneci
electronic and sound design: Roland Breitenfeld
July 29, 1997, Salzburg, Kollegienkirche
Salzburger Festspiele
Zeitfluss 3
works by: Luigi Nono and André Richard
Klaus Burger (tuba), Roberto Fabbriciani (flute), Ernesto Molinari (clarinet), Susanne Otto (alto)
Christian Dierstein, Stephan Meier, Isao Nakamura, Thomas Oesterdiekhoff, Adam Weismann (percussion)
Antje Haury, Johannes Nied (doublebass)
electronic and sound design:
Experimentalstudio of the Heinrich-Strobel-Foundation of the SWR Freiburg:
Roland Breitenfeld (sound design), Rudolf Strauß (soundingenieur) Bernd Noll (technique)
André Richard (conductor)
July 28, 1997, SWF 1
radio play
"Programm Hirnmord"
July 3, 1997, Hinterzarten, Schule Birklehof
Klang/Video-Abend im Musikhaus
works for computer controled sounds and video-graphic by:
Donoung Lee "Retusche" (with video-graphic by D. Lee),
Mesias Maiguashca "A Mandelbox" (with video-graphic by M. Maiguashca and Bernard Geyer),
Roland Breitenfeld "automats" (with video-graphic by R. B.),
Roland Breitenfeld/Donoung Lee "Illusion" (after graphics by Reinhard Breitenfeld; videomovie by Silvius Breitenfeld)
Roland Breitenfeld, computer, sound design and video
June 30, 1997, Freiburg, AAK im E-Werk
David Moss (voc./perc), John Kenny (tromb./Carnyx)
Polarity Percussion Ensemble (Dirk Rothbrust, Christian Dierstein, Bassam Abdul-Salam)
Roland Breitenfeld, electronic and sound design
rec. live by Roland Breitenfeld
June 30, 1997, SWF 1
"Tod im Monte-Kalino"
March 4/5/6/8/9/11/12/13 1997 Brüssel
Théatre Royal de la Monnaie à Bruxelles
Luigi Nono "Prometeo"
January 13, 1997, SWF 1
"Effi's Nacht"
December 1996 Oslo, Radio
Radio Oslo transmitted
" will be in peace"by Roland Breitenfeld / after texts by Debra Ann Loughrey (Vancouver) and Manfred Wiemer (Dresden)
November 10, 17, 24 and December 1, 1996, S4 (second transmitting)
November 4., 11., 18., 25. 1996, SWF 1 (first transmitting)
broadcast transmitting in each case in 4 parts
of the fantasy radio-play "Der Königssohn vom Schwarzwald"
in the same time will be published a double-cd set
(more information for the cd's you can find in my cd folder)
September 21, 1996 Frankfurt, Alte Oper
Karlheinz Stockhausen: "Mixtur"
Ensemble ModernSeptember 16, 1996 Seoul, Südkorea
The 3rd Computer Music Festival in Seoul
Works by
September 11, 1996 Berlin, Konzerthaus am Gendarmenmarkt
Karlheinz Stockhausen: "Mixtur"
Ensemble ModernSeptember 10, 1996 Bremen, Woll-Kämmerei
Karlheinz Stockhausen: "Mixtur"
Ensemble ModernSeptember 7 and 8, 1996, Staufen, Burgruine
fantasy radio-play "Der Königssohn vom Schwarzwald"
Gunda Aurich (speaker), Andrew Digby (trombone), Florence Sitruck (harp), Christian Dierstein (percussion)
Friedlinde Beetz, Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
August 5, 1996 Darmstadt, Internationale Ferienkurse
Karlheinz Stockhausen: "Mixtur"
Ensemble ModernFebruary 25, 1996, Freiburg, Bundschuhhalle
profectio - concert of the 4th "Tonkünstlerfest Baden-Württemberg 1995/96"
Works by
Carin Levine (flutes), Dan Cavassi (cello), Christian Dierstein, Pascal Pons, Michael Schianetz, Olaf Tzschoppe (percussion), Gertrud Ettelt, Julia Ignatius, Felix Horsch, Dimitri Svistov (violins), Bernhard König, Christoph Schild (doublebasses)
Carmen Maria Cârneci (conductor)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronics, sound design and director of the concert)
November 26, 1995 Huddersfield, England
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Luigi Nono:
November 24, 1995 Huddersfield, England
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Luigi Nono:
Brian Ferneyhough:
November 22, 1995 Huddersfield, England
Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
Luigi Nono:
November 9, 1995 Berlin, Philharmonie
"Berliner Festspiele"
November 5, 1995 Wien, Konzerthaus
"Wien modern"
Luigi Nono
November 3, 1995, Freiburg, SWF Landesstudio
fantasy radio-play "Der Königssohn vom Schwarzwald"
Peter Lieck (speaker), Markus Weiss (saxophone), Florence Sitruck (harp), Frank Bockius (percussion)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
October 28, 1995, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Die elektronische Musik und ihre Vermittlung
works by
Susanne Otto (alto), Isabelle Schnöller (flute), Margarete Kern (didgeridoo), Margit Kern (accordion), Victoria Ifrim (percussion)
Carmen Maria Cârneci (conductor)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
October 12, 1995 Seoul, Südkorea
The 2nd Computer Music Festival in Seoul
Works by
September 19, 1995, SWR S2-Kultur
Broadcast transmitting of the concert from April 29, 1995 in Rottenburg
profectio - concert
works by:
Angelina Soller (mezzo-soprano), Mesias Maiguashca (speaker), Bettina Geiger (flute), Andrew Digby (trombone), Konstanze Stiebler (percussion), Margaret MacDuffie (violin), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
Carmen Maria Cârneci (conductor)
Donoung Lee, Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design and direction of the concert)
July 2, 1995, Freiburg, Bundschuhhalle
profectio - concert
works by:
Angelina Soller (mezzo-soprano), Mesias Maiguashca (speaker), Bettina Geiger (flute), Andrew Digby (trombone), Yuko Suzuki Yamanabe, Cécile Boiffin (percussion), Margaret MacDuffie (violin), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
John Christie willot (electronic, sound design and conductor)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design and direction of the concert)
June 17, 1995, Gernsbach, Gymnasium
June 16, 1995, Emmendingen, Steinhalle
June 15, 1995, Hinterzarten, Musikhaus der Schule Birklehof
profectio - concerts
works by
Isabelle Schnöller (flute), Peter Veale (oboe), Walter Ifrim (clarinet), Monika Waldschütz (piano), Reinhard Decker (speaker on tape)
John Christie Willot (conductor)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design and direction of the concert)
May 12, 1995 Lissabon, Grande Auditório Gulbenkian
19.os Encontros Gulbenkian de Música Contemporanea
Luigi Nono
May 11, 1995 Lissabon, Grande Auditório Gulbenkian
19.os Encontros Gulbenkian de Música Contemporanea
Luigi Nono
May 9, 1995 Lissabon, Grande Auditório Gulbenkian
19.os Encontros Gulbenkian de Música Contemporanea
Luigi Nono
May 8, 1995 Lissabon, Grande Auditório Gulbenkian
19.os Encontros Gulbenkian de Música Contemporanea
Luigi Nono
May 6/7, 1995 Lissabon, Coliseu dos Recreios
19.os Encontros Gulbenkian de Música Contemporanea
Luigi Nono "Prometeo"
April 29, 1995, Rottenburg a. N., Zehntscheuer
Tage für Neue Musik - ars nova Südwestfunk
profectio - concert
works by:
Angelina Soller (mezzo-soprano), Mesias Maiguashca (speaker), Bettina Geiger (flute), Andrew Digby (trombone), Konstanze Stiebler (percussion), Margaret MacDuffie (violin), Gaby Schumacher (cello)
Carmen Maria Cârneci (conductor)
Donoung Lee, Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design and direction of the concert)
November 11, 1994 Frankfurt, HR Funkhaus am Dornbusch
Forum Neue Musik
a. o. Detlef Heusinger
Radio Sinfonieorchester Frankfurt
conductor: Mark Foster
October 25 - November 1, 1994, Dresden, Leonhardi Museum
and also with works by Donoung Lee and Mesias Maiguashca
TV-documentation by RTL
October 9, 1994, Dresden, Festspielhaus "Pfund's Molkerei"
8. Dresdner Tage für zeitgenössische Musik
Musik und Szene
profectio - concert
works by
Susanne Otto (alto), Bettina Geiger (flute), Margarete Kern (didgeridoo), Margit Kern (accordion), Konstanze Stiebler (percussion), Marc Ihle (computer), Thomas Hummel (computer)
Carmen Maria Cârneci (conductor)
Donoung Lee, Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design and direction of the concert)
June 18, 1994, Freiburg, Bundschuhhalle
profectio - concert
works by
Angelina Soller (mezzo-soprano), Bettina Geiger (flute), Peter Veale (oboe), Walter Ifrim (clarinet),Andrew Digby (trombone), Andreas Böttger (percussion)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design and direction of the concert)
January 16, 1994, Emmendingen, Steinhalle
Mesias Maiguashca
Gaby Schumacher (cello), Bettina Geiger (flute), Antonio Gomez (speaker),
Mesias Maiguashca, Bernard Geyer and Roland Breitenfeld (computer, synthesizer, electronic, sound design)
October 1993 Donaueschingen
Donaueschinger Musiktage
Thomas Hertel:
August 18, 1993 Salzburg, Kollegienkirche
Salzburger Festspiele
Zeitfluß 93
Luigi Nono:
August 15, 1993 Salzburg, Kollegienkirche
Salzburger Festspiele
Zeitfluß 93
Luigi Nono
August 12/13, 1993 Salzburg, Kollegienkirche
Salzburger Festspiele
Zeitfluß 93
Luigi Nono "Prometeo"
May 16, 1993, Freiburg, Bundschuhhalle
May 11, 1993, Gernsbach, Gymnasium
May 7, 1993, Karlsruhe, Jakobus-Theater
profectio - concerts
works by
"ENGRAMMS REAGIERT" for flute and live-electronic (1980/90)
andSusanne Otto (alto), Mateja Haller (flute), Margarete Kern (didgeridoo), Stefan Hussong (accordion), Konstanze Stiebler (percussion), Simon Breitenfeld (speaker, on tape)
Donoung Lee (electronic, sound design and conductor)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design and direction of the concert)
April 3, 1993 Baden-Baden, SWF Hans-Rosbaud-Studio
3. Tonkünstlerfest Baden-Württemberg
a. o. Detlef Heusinger
SWF Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden
conductor: Lothar Zagrosek
March 26, 1993, Würzburg, Festhalle der Neubaukirche
works by Mesias Maiguashca
"Ayayayayay (1971)"
"El Oro" (1992)
"Yo soy un arbol, tu tambien" (1988)
Bettina Geiger (flute), Gaby Schumacher (cello), Mesias Maiguashca (speaker)
Mesias Maiguashca, Roland Breitenfeld (computer and sound design)
December 18, 1992, Karlsruhe, Jakobus Theater
profectio - concert "Neue Texte - Neue Musik - im Jakobus"
Manfred Wiemer (Dresden) is reading own texts
Isao Nakamura (Freiburg) is playing compositions for percussion
Thomas Lauck, Isao Nakamura and
Roland Breitenfeld: "Aus Federn rinnen weiße Tinten..." (1987)
direction of the concert: Roland Breitenfeld
December 2, 1992, Karlsruhe, Badisches Konservatorium
3. Tonkünstlerfest Baden-Württemberg"
works a. o. by
Ulrike Mehnert (flute), Bettina Schütt-Philippsen (recorder), Franc Zibert (accordion), Jeh-Yoo Chung (cello)
Donoung Lee (electronic)
November 30, 1992 Cagliari, Italien
Festival Spaziomusica '92
Luigi Nono
November 29, 1992 Cagliari, Italien
Festival Spaziomusica '92
Luigi Nono
November 13, 1992, Schweinfurt, Rathausdiele
November 12, 1992, Würzburg, Stadtteilzentrum Grombühl
November 11, 1992, Obernburg, Kochsmühle
portrait concerts - Mesias Maiguashca
"Ayayayayay (1971)"
"El Oro" (1992) world prermiere
"Videomemoiren" (1988)
Bettina Geiger (flute), Gaby Schumacher (cello), Francisco Moreno (speaker)
Mesias Maiguashca, Roland Breitenfeld (computer and sound design)
May 23, 1992, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
John Benz (cello)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic, sound design)
Malcolm Fox: "Variants for Cello and Tape" (1967)
March 24, 1992, Lörrach, Sparkasse
"Neue Musik im Sparkassensaal"
works by
Karlheinz Stockhausen, Nicolaus A. Huber, Luciano Berio, Donoung Lee, Markus Buser Angelina Soller (soprano), Andreas Boettger (percussion), Markus Buser (flute)
Donoung Lee, Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
November 29, 1991, Karlsruhe, Jakobus-Theater
profectio - concert
works by
"AUFGELÖST...FÜR VIOLA...MIT HORN" (1978) world premiere
Mateja Haller (flute), George Tinsley (horn), Elizabeth Prior (viola), Jae-Yoon Chung (cello)
Donoung Lee (electronic, sound design)
Roland Breitenfeld (direction of the concert)
June 29, 1991, Gernsbach, Gymnasium
"Neue Musik am Gymnasium Gernsbach"
a. o. works by
Mesias Maiguashca "Übungen" for cello and synthesizer (1973) Gaby Schumacher (cello),
Roland Breitenfeld (synthesizer)
January 21, 1991, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Horizonte - Konzert
works by
"W....." for computer controled electronic music (1990) world premiere
Francois Deppe (cello)
Donoung Lee, Thomas Hummel und Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
October 1990 Donaueschingen
Donaueschinger Musiktage
Jean Claude Eloy:
"Anâhata" Kosji Ebihara (buddhistic voice), Kojun Arai (buddhistic voice), Mayumi Miyata (sho/sheng), SukeyaSu Shiba (japanese flute), Satow Yaotoni (japanes oboe), Michael Ranta (percussion)June 22, 1990, Karlsruhe, Jakobus Theater
Neue Musik im Jakobus
works by
"automats" for computer, synthesizer and video-graphic (1989/90)
Gaby Schumacher (cello)
Donoung Lee, Mesias Maiguashca und Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
February 1, 1990, Freiburg, Friedrichsbau
Compositions by Roland Breitenfeld:
"integer punctum I / 0,5...1 / 0...0,5"
"Aus Federn rinnen weiße Tinten..."
"automats" UA
"Engramm reagiert..."
"Imaginäre Szene Nr. 1"
on YouTube click here
Live-paintings by Helge Leiberg
Texts and reading by Manfred Wiemer
Stefan Karthaus, Simon Breitenfeld (speakers on tape), Claudia Spahn, Irene Engelhardt (recorders), Mateja Haller (flute), Andrew Malcolm (oboe), Norbert Schmeißer, Thomas Wagner, Thomas Klotz, Sebastian Suchlich (trombones), Isao Nakamura, Babette Haag, Juan Manuel Chavez (percussion),
conductor: Camen Maria Carneci
Doris E. Brönnimann: choreographic consultation (Theater Freiburg)
Wolfgang Witt: mascs and costumes (Theater Freiburg)
Stefan Breitenfeld: light effects
electronic and sound design: Donoung Lee, Thomas Hummel and Roland Breitenfeld
April 24, 1989, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Konzert des Studios für Elektronische Musik
works by
"ENGRAMM REAGIERT..." for flute and live-electronic (1980/90) world premiere
Mateja Haller (flute), Arianne Lallemand (cello), Christian Dierstein (vibraphone)
Donoung Lee, Juan Manuel Chavez, Antonio Gomez und Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
February 3, 1989, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Horizonte - Konzert
a. o. works by
Ensemble Aventure, conductor: Jörg Wyttenbach
Gérard Zinsstag, Thomas Hummel und Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
January 21, 1989, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Horizonte - Konzert
a. o. works by
Arianne Lallemand (cello)
Roland Breitenfeld (electronic and sound design)
June 20, 1988, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Horizonte - Konzert
works by
"Aus Federn rinnen weiße Tinten... : Reflexe für 1 Schlagzeuger"(1987) world premiere
December 18, 1987, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
works by
"IMAGINÄRE SZENE Nr. 1" for recorder, oboe and tape (1987) texts: Manfred Wiemer - world premiere
June 16, 1987, Freiburg, Musikhochschule
Horizonte - Konzert
works by
"3 Miniaturen für Blockflöten" (1987) world premiere
November 1986 Freiburg, SWF Funkhaus Güntherstal
Großer Saal
Karlheinz Stockhausen
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